PC audio is it the best next thing????

I've been hearing alot about pc audio and many claim that in the future pc audio will be considered the next best thing in the audiophile world, curious about all of this. Any thoughts?
Blu-ray players are not backward compatible with CD's. My neighbor has both a Sony and a Samsung unit and neither one will play a cd. Also, I have read numerous reviews that confirm this fact. Power up and boot times are extremely slow compared to DVD players on both of these machines.
PC to Squeezebox 3 (via wireless router) to Bel Canto DAC2. I'll never again own a CDP.

Interesting the negative comments made about PC audio in this thread. My guess is that those posters actually have no experience with it.

I agree with your comments. I dumped my reference SACD/CD player about 18 months ago and haven't looked back. I use a Bolder modified Squeezebox 2 in the big rig. At the computer it's coax out to DAC to modified Red Dragon monos driving ERA Design4's with a custom subwoofer. It's soooo much easier to "browse" you music collection on the computer than hunting through stacks of jewel cases.
I wonder how long it will take before this thread looks silly? I'm betting three years tops before everyone has tossed their cdps this thread will look like a dinasaur
What is a list of D/A converters with USB inputs?The drawback I find with my computer supplanting DAC is ocassionaly I want to use my computers drive(s)while litening but also becuase fan noise is so bloody loud.I too think somebody who has done a lot of expermentation should make a web page as an idots guide to music and video using computers