Members with No Feedback


Has anyone noticed an increase of members with little or no Feedback? I have had 9 responses to my most recent ad--4 with no Feedback, and 4 with low Feedback. I realize that we all have to start somewhere; but this seems a little strange...
Ag insider logo xs@2xpretender
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John, I did not know can that be, to simply deny it. Will it remain this way? I suppose a start as buy or seller would be to simply stay clear of '0's, then again I started with '0' at one time as well, not really fair to ligit newcomers, shame.
I have noticed it to. I am immediately suspicious of people with no feedback. Having said that the scam artists usually make it pretty obvious. You can tell they haven't read you're ad by the emails. Also, inevitably I get the email from the scammers where I have to send some money back and give the piece to their shipper etc.

I wonder if audiogon required us to pay a small membership fee(where they had to verify our addresses with the credit card company) if it would help?
the presence of feedback for a member on A'gon is only useful to show the person is legit or not. Any system that has a binary rating scale (ie favorable, or not) is of little use otherwise. I've had a few transactions here with members who had extensive favorable feedback scores, where my experience was less that outstanding (though still satisfactory).

I would really prefer a 1 to 10 rating scale with criteria spelled out as exists for the condition rating system. Further, the only disputing of that rating should be via a rebuttal comment. It would also be preferable to have the 1-10 apply in multiple categories like ebay has done. Then, the verbal input is no longer needed, but it too is marginally useful since most of the comments are trite anyway. This is more complex, and doesn't solve all of the problems but would provide more meaningful ratings to judge by and set your expectations.
This past year I have completed several transactions with new members with little or no feedback. I have been pleasantly surprised as they have all worked out flawlessly. That being said, when buying it does make me a little nervous dealing with a new name with no feedback. When selling' if paypal is used I have no problem.
I also agree that the new feedback system is fairly useless. This is the only site where I have been ripped off. Made payment and after a few promises never heard from seller again. He was removed from Agon but that didn't help my pocketbook.