Members with No Feedback


Has anyone noticed an increase of members with little or no Feedback? I have had 9 responses to my most recent ad--4 with no Feedback, and 4 with low Feedback. I realize that we all have to start somewhere; but this seems a little strange...
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My new policy is just not to deal with any sellers having little or no feedback.
Juxtapose this thread with the ones lamenting the lack of new blood in our hobby. Most of you don't sound very welcoming.
Tvad - and a few others- provide a good suggestion about talking on the phone with your prospect. We speak a language that will not come easily to your everyday scammer. I find it quite easy to know if the individual in question is a true hobbyist or just flipping gear. Some are both, I suppose, but that doesn't necessarily disqualify them.
Another point that may play into this is our weak dollar. The last few time I advertised something, I received a lot of response from around the world. Dialogue revealed that many of these people were established hobbyists in their own countries who were looking at our ads more seriously lately as their currency advantage grew. That would explain their lack of feedback.
And lastly, one can use the lack of credentials as a negotiation point. Legitimate suitors know that they need to establish themselves and are grateful to get someone with my reputation on their resume.
Stop worrying so much. Or course it's a gamble. So is crossing the street. You just have to decide how badly you want to reach the other side.
I’ve also noticed more members with zero feedback, but since everyone has to start somewhere, that doesn’t concern me as much as looking at an ad that reads like a private seller, but isn’t. Some sellers have upwards of 300 to 400 feedback points, and in my little world, that’s a lot of trading. When you read the feedback, the feedback in large part is from members who purchased vs. sold to that member. At the same time, I’d much prefer to purchase equipment from someone that knows what they’re doing. My comments are merely questioning why the ad reads like “this is their beloved baby” but when you hit the Other Items tab, you get a string of ads that reads like a wholesaler.
I am currently working with a member who has no feedback but seems to be a straight new member. We are working through a deal using Postal money order instead of paypal. So far, So good. I figure everybody gets a chance like I did. I just don't want to be the fool. Also, I am not selling a $10,000 amplifier. I want to welcome anyone who is as interested as I am, as long as I am careful.
I took a chance on a no f.b. member from Sweden, and it was a perfect transaction, couldn't have asked for better. It worked out good for me, as I had no other takers on the item. Glad I did, great guy.