Members with No Feedback


Has anyone noticed an increase of members with little or no Feedback? I have had 9 responses to my most recent ad--4 with no Feedback, and 4 with low Feedback. I realize that we all have to start somewhere; but this seems a little strange...
Ag insider logo xs@2xpretender
My transaction was great. US Postal Money Order cashed. Added to the new buyers feedback. Let's hope we can welcome more good people to our little corner of the world.
Alright, here's another twist. Normally, I will ship immediately upon receiving a MO. However, I currently have a sale pending waiting for a International MO from a no feedback member. My question is, still ship immediately, or wait awhile for the MO to clear? If wait, how long?

FWIW, I have sold to no feedback members before using a USPS MO and shipped with no issues. I'm just a bit nervous about a new member using an International MO. What do you think? Am I being irrational? He seems like a nice enough gent through e-mails......

What does it take to "clear" an international MO? With the USPS, I get cash and no bank is involved. USPS told me that I could simply cash the USPS MO at my local bank, but if it is fraudulent the bank would deduct the funds from my account and I lose. I would wait to clear unless I had cash in my hand and no possibility of my bank taking the money back. Is that possible? Is there another part of this that I don't understand? I have never taken in international MO before.
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OK, confession time. I have roughly 100 transactions with perfect feedback from both buying and selling. I have never had a problem on either end. I lose money ever time, as I just like to try different equipment and don't look to make a profit. Now the jack-ass part. A while back I won an auction from someone with zero feedback for a pair of mono blocks and I knew as soon as I bid that I had been had. Nothing added up, my emails were ignored and I was just plain f**ked. While I was thinking of a way to get out of the transaction, which I had NEVER tried to do before, my amps showed up at my door step BEFORE I had even paid for them. I felt like a complete zero with no high ground what so ever to hide behind. The moral of the story, if there is one, is none of us really know who we are dealing with and sometimes those of us with lots of great feedback are no more reliable than the new guy.