I was just poking fun in my first comment. Truth be told we have SMAC Southwest Michigan Audiophile Club which consist of a core group of about fifteen or so members and a mailing list of about another fifty in its third year now. It is a good group of diverse folks including several turntable and tube amp designers and many of us who are just plain music lovers. It is loosely tied to AudioKarma.org and Karma Fest which is a once a year (weekend) festival/event of both manufacturers and DIY audio enthusiasts. Its primary focus is on two-channel audio with maybe half of the displays running tube gear and turntables. It may be the biggest/best showing of two-channel analog audio around. We would like to think it's so! Its probably not the highest of high-end, but theres little attitude and lots of enthusiasm and the members keep it real. So we truly have a rich culture of audiophiles in our area. Yet, my personal and primary focus has always been on live music and record collecting more so than listing to wires and that sort of thing. I would not trade my orchestra hall seats for a new cable of the month. Sorry.
Happy Listening!
Happy Listening!