are any of your friends audiophiles?

I dont have one single friend I can get into audio.

Of course through this hobby I have met friends who are hard core
'philes like me, but not one of my other friends will even consider letting me put togther a simple and low cost high end-ish system.

One friend now claims when he gets some money he'll let me get him
one of those $650 (used of course) chinese integrated tube amps but it hasn't happened yet. A few of my friends are even somewhat loaded, but none will take the trip.

Of course they enjoy hearing my system, and two even comes to the audio shows with me but that is as far as it gets.

What about your friends?
I was just poking fun in my first comment. Truth be told we have SMAC Southwest Michigan Audiophile Club which consist of a core group of about fifteen or so members and a mailing list of about another fifty in its third year now. It is a good group of diverse folks including several turntable and tube amp designers and many of us who are just plain music lovers. It is loosely tied to and Karma Fest which is a once a year (weekend) festival/event of both manufacturers and DIY audio enthusiasts. Its primary focus is on two-channel audio with maybe half of the displays running tube gear and turntables. It may be the biggest/best showing of two-channel analog audio around. We would like to think it's so! It’s probably not the highest of high-end, but there’s little attitude and lots of enthusiasm and the members keep it real. So we truly have a rich culture of audiophiles in our area. Yet, my personal and primary focus has always been on live music and record collecting more so than listing to wires and that sort of thing. I would not trade my orchestra hall seats for a new cable of the month. Sorry.

Happy Listening!
I have a friend that has a very high-end system but he hasn't listened to it in over 2 years. Everytime I mention to him about a thread on Audiogon or an article in Absolute sound he changes the subject. Go figure!

Many thanks for your thoughts and tips. They are appreciated and you may be right... After all, Tucson's population is fast nearing the million mark, so there ought to be a few more audiophiles and music lovers somewhere around here. And I think your idea to hold your meetings consistently on the same day and time is a good one. :)
I have 2 audiophile/music loving friends. One lives about 4 blocks from me and the other moved about 60 miles south of me a year ago. When all of us lived closer we would get together about once a month rotating to listen and enjoy each others very different systems. It is kind of funny that we all prefer our own systems over the others. Just how it should be.

I have recently talked over the phone with a guy that moved 100 miles south of me from Ohio. I invited him up this weekend to meet and listen to some music, since his system is still in Ohio with his family. He accepted the invite for this Saturday. I am looking forward to making another audio friend.

We didn't discuss smoking, but I feel sure we can work it out.

I have spoken to a couple of music and audio stores in the area about sponsoring a monthly get together for people interested in audio and music. One said they were very interested. It might be kind of tough for a small city of 50,000 but you never know.