Anyone use Audiogon "Wanted" Ads Success?

Do these work? Whenever I list something to sell, checking the Wanted section first doesn't even occur to me and I was wondering if that was normal.

It's worth the question now that they charge $6 to list one of these.
Good luck. I've had much success with the wanted ads years ago, when they were free. Both as a buyer and a seller. Nowadays there doesn't seem to be much use for them. Of course a blind squirrel still finds an acorn every now and then, but overall the wanted ads are not nearly as useful as they use to be.

Happy hunting,
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They worked for me, here and at AA.

Pawlowski6132, yes it's the off season until the weather forces us all indoors.
The few times I tried them they didn't work at all so to pay for them now doesn't make much sense for me based on past performance.