Most helpful audio companies

I don't think I saw this thread before, if it already exists: cover my head with ashes.

A few days ago I spit my gall at Vibex as one of the most customer unfriendly companies I have ever encountered. (I consider not giving any information on the products the epitome of customer unfriendliness; meanwhile, even the Austrian/German distributor admitted that Vibex never tells them anything and never will). And whilst I am at it, allow me to lambast Wireworld and Audio Physic as well.

More importantly, though, why not reward the guys that will bend over backwards to try and help their customers, by which I don't mean attempting to sell their products but genuinely give advice (which may mean advice not to purchase one or the other product) and let us share their knowledge and experience. Keeping to manufacturers only, my nominees are:

Tidal Audio (Joern Janczak and Lothar Braeun)
Audioplan (Thomas Kuehn)
AMR (Vince Luke)
VooDoo Cable (Bruce Richardson)
PS Audio (Paul McGowan)
Townshend (Max and Sue Townshend)

Alright then, here are a few non-manufacturers as well (non-exhaustive!): special thanks to Tomasso Piemontese, Alex Loth, Albert Porter, Ed Doggen, John Potis et al.

Three cheers to all of them!

I have had more better experiences than bad in this field the two that really stood out where and where exceptional to me are
Aesthetix and Basis audio

Vandersteen audio customer service has also been great.

Cary is ok when they actually work and pick up the phone they are helpful. But can't ever seem to say the right thing or fix the issues.

Kimber Kable these days would be better off not picking up the phone at all. Customer service is good until you need something fixed then it is a joke if they even fix it and not just charge you $$$.
Frank Van Alstine, AVA
Kevin Deal, Distributing PrimaLuna
Paul & Judy Speltz, Anti-Cables
Aesthetix, Conrad Johnson & McIntosh are the best I've experienced. In all cases, I had bought my products second-hand.
Ayre Acoustics -Charles Hanson
Audio Waves -Alan Grau
Modwright -Dan Wright
Hsu Research -Peter Hsu
Vandersteen- Richard himself
Conrad Johnson
Thiel - Jim Thiel/Kathy Gornik
Krell - Dan D'Agostino
Harmonic Technology - Jim Wong
Lyra - Jonathan Carr