The Irrational But Efficacious CD Tweak

A dear audiophile friend gave me the Ayre CD tweak that Charlie Hanson humorously has entitled, Irraional But Efficacious!

You set your system volume at a moderately low level, if you put at a very high level you run the risk of "smoking" your speakers and play track seven that lasts five minutes. A series of very powerful tone bursts at different frequences pulse through your entire system. It's recommended that you only use this tweak about twice a month.

Well, amazing results happened in my system:

1) Great increase of transparency/clarity.

2) The soundstage got bigger with more layering.

3) Macrodynamics/slam /jump improved.

I give great credit to both Charlie Hanson and George Cardas, who came up with this thing along time ago, for their total honesty about not really knowing how it works, hence the name Irrational But Efficacious! Unlike others who would come up with some secret mumbo-jumbo explanation and charge a ton of cash. This CD tweak only costs $20.00.

If any GON members have tried this CD tweak please share if your experience was as postive as mine and if you have not tried it I highly recommend you do.
Yes it works. I have the CD and the Cardas LP as well. The Purist Audio disc works too and so does the Granite phono break in disc.

All these are great tools and the Ayre in particular is a bargain.
I have this and totally agree with you. Have no idea how or why this works, but it does. I haven't used it in a couple months. Glad I read your post. It has reminded me to play it.
I always wonder....they say they don't know how it works. They say (maybe lots of people say) it does work. OK. With those as givens, how do they come up with the idea in the first place? An accident? They experiment with a million things that they can't imagine how they would work. Most of them don't work. One works? And these guys are equipment designers--do they design their main product lines this way? Anybody know?
I have been using "Irrational But Efficacious" ever since Charlie Hanson introduced it and like it very much. I use track 7 about once a month - it really does work. I also use track 4 on 'repeat' to help break in a new component, cable or contact enhancer (quicksilver gold). The CD is also useful to help warm up the system quickly once the amp is turned on. When using track 7, I usually leave the room because certain frequencies will make my head cat hates this track! Unlike many system tonics that I own, this is a tweak that I always come back to.
I've used the Purist Audio System Enhancer which costs five times more and does essentially the same thing. Does it work? I honestly think it's no more effective than playing a dynamic piece of music or radio static the same number of hours.

Tweaks, pseudo-science, black magic. It all runs together sometimes.