Smallest room dimensions for good bass to 20hz

Woundering how small of a room can you build and still get good bass responce to 20 hz.
I get a compensated/corrected reading of 21Hz at -3dB in my 14x13 room at the listening position. That works just fine for me.


20 Hz = 20 cycles per second. A 20 hz sound wave is 56.6 ft long peak-peak.

Here is a link to a calculator which also list the formula:


If I am not mistaken, even though the dimensions of your room may be shorter than the wavelengths of bass frequencies, a small room can support low frequencies through pressurization and depressurization of the room. I am in a small room and I can hear/feel 20 Hz bass from the calibration curve of my JL Audio subwoofer.
Thanks for the responces. Looks like as big as i can get would be best. With the right ratio of width length and height to reduce bass nodes.