How to reply to questions about stereo cost?

How much did you pay for that? I could by a car for that. We already have a car.
You could send your kids to college for that much money.
My kids are lazy and stupid. They think they are gonna inherit the money I'm spending on this stereo.
What does your wife say? I can't hear when the stereo is playing.
It's already depreciated. I bought it used.
Kal- Funny my insurance agent thought my power amp was an air conditioner sitting on the floor.... Of she only knew that those 16- 6550's were actually for roasting chicken on the weeknds! ....

I can usually always find something that a man at least, spends an inordinate amount of money on, whatever hobby they have, whether it be a 100k boat that they use 3 times a year, 18 old watches, 20k worth of power tools to make an 800 dollar house, etc. So I mention my opinion of his stupidly expensive insane hobby that(dweebs, jocks, motorheads, sex addicts, gamblers, boaters, heroin saleman) seem to find interesting.

When I think that I get to use my hobby 1 to 8 hours a day, it harms nothing but my ears, and how much my other hobby, golf, costs, in time, clubs, lessons, green fees, travel, joining a golf club, monthly fees, etc etc. If I keep the stereo long enough, and buy too many 400 dollar drivers, then the stereo is cheaper :0 not to mention, everytime I listen to a cd, my wife does not get the urge to go to the spa for three hours unlike golf on vacation.
1. Only my wife and my insurance agent know on what I waste my money.

2. The agent is the only one who cares exactly how much.

Reply to how much my stereo costs? Same data I give my wife:


Still she thinks that's too much.