the paradox of accurate speakers

if 2 speakers are considered "accurate", but when compared sound "different" from each other, how can they be considered accurate ?

do all so-called accurate speakers sound the same ?

if not, none or only one can be accurate.
hi nrchy:

accurate is defined as input=output, where input is the recording and output is that which is produced by the speaker.

you are correct in that perfection does not exist. the sound of an instrument reproduced by a stereo system is timbrally inaccurate and a stereo system does not exactly reproduce the input.

the intent of this thread is to suggest that two so-called accurate spekers, as defined by input=output may sound different.
Hi Shadorne, In my last house they were in the living room, the good thing was that I had motorcycles in the living room also, they took some of the attention away from the Acoustats. The reaction from my future mother in law at the time was priceless.
It still is interesting to see peoples reaction when they first see the Acoustats and the woofer tower behind them and realise that the panels are speakers too, not room dividers like they initally thought. There are motorcycles in the listening room now but being in a seperate barn it is nice not to have to worry about making noise. Yep, I am one of the crazy "barn boys" you hear about.