What am I missing???

So, every once in a while, I look at all the new systems that people are posting here....WOW! Amazing. And just when I start to feel satisfied with mine, I see these and think, what a pile of junk I have. I've never been to any of the high end shows or even a lot of dealers so, can only imagine how good these sound and wonder if what I'm not hearing is better than what I am.

Anyone else ever have that feeling?
I used to think this every time I saw and heard my friend Steve's stereo. He had Acapella Triolon Excalibur speakers driven by Audio Note Ongaku amps and T1000 preamp, Rockport System III Sirius turntable, DCS digital stack, etc. Then he sold it all to get a Lamborghini Murcielago LP640. Now I think my car is a piece of junk compared to his.
Practically speaking, of couse, everyone's correct I'm sure. Also, thanx for the kind words about my system (honest, I wasn't fishing for compliments.)

And yes, I do enjoy and look forward to my system every Friday night but, still can't help wondering how much better (to me; accurate) sound is out there.

I guess though, in this hobby, as they say, the journey is the destination right?
Well...you've SEEN other's systems, and probably READ the descriptions and reviews of various audio pieces.

But LISTENING is what matters. To become a true audio neurotic, you have to actually HEAR different setups, or audition different equipment in your own system.

Then--and only then--will you become truly confused, depressed, bewildered, or even perhaps learn the inner truth, about audiophilia.

If you happen to stumble upon the latter, please post back here.