crass to ask for feedback after a transaction?

i have been building a system for the last year, and have bought almost everything on audiogon. somehow, i have had extremely fantastic luck, in that the folks i have bought from have just been the absolute nicest people, very willing to answer questions, and freely sharing info and their vast knowledge. really coming out to help me learn more about the equipment we all share such a strong love for.

as a new member of the community, i can see the importance of the feedback system. i have always left positive feedback for the people i have dealt with. so far, two members i bought from have not left feedback for me, even tho i know they are sent a notice when my feedback is submitted, and even though we got on well together during the course of our dealings with each other...

in terms of general politeness, positive feedback would be much like a compliment, which one would never want to solicit, or "fish" for. in the context of our community, or "family", if you will, feedback could also be viewed as a courtesy, tho it seems as though the folks who established this system for us expect that we will do this small thing for one another.

do you think it's crass to ask a person to submit feedback after a transaction? i wonder why it seems not to occur to some folks, who seem completely nice and polite in every regard? ultimately, does it truly matter all that much?
As a newbie to Audiogon last spring when I started to put my first real system together i always asked for feedback so i could build my rep. Everyone was great and as far as I can tell everyone left me feedback.

My policy is a little different from Rja's. So far, I've been a buyer exclusively. Sometime before the purchase arrives, I'll check the feedback of the people who have left feedback for the seller. If there is a pattern of the seller not leaving feedback for the people who left him feedback, I simply won't leave feedback for the seller. Even though it has been watered down somewhat, feedback is an important part of the AudiogoN marketplace and deserves to be supported by ALL who buy and sell here. I won't provide any feedback benefit to someone who doesn't support the system.
I think it's perfectly ok to be a bit of a squeaky wheel about feedback. I've had experiences similar to those of Metro04. More than once, I've conducted what I think is a squeaky clean, upfront and honest transaction, leave feedback for the other party, and get diddlysquat in return. Thankfully, those types of individuals have been in the minority.
hey, thanks for the responses...

after all has been said and done, at the end of the day we all have to live with ourselves...i know my stuff is watertight. i am of the old school in which a person is only as good as their word...i simply do that which i say i will, and under no circumstance will i jerk anyone around, balk halfway through a deal, or dare to lowball someone on the price of an item.

ultimately one can't sweat what others will or won't do. leaving feedback is important to the degree that we all need to know who we are buying from or selling to, it kind of keeps things in perspective. really it's up to each of us to be aware of what we are getting into, and if we get snookered on anything, shame on us!

i am sure that like anything else, most people here are genuinely honest. it's the small percentage that spoils it for the rest. having said that, let me follow with the assurance that i have had no bad dealings here- only smooth sailing all the way. if someone doesn't want to leave feedback, that doesn't hurt too much in the long run, but after the close communications needed to pull off a buy or sale, it just seems like the natural way to finish.

i am a very busy person at times, i work in mad stints, with time off in between. often i don't get the chance to plug a piece in and try it with my system for days, or weeks in some cases. i don't typically leave feedback until i know the piece i have gotten is working well... but i try to let folks know that in advance, or at least stay in contact. maybe this has been the reason for not having gotten feedback in the two cases in question...

so far, i too have been only a buyer here. from this end of things it's easy to keep all things cool. someday, when i try to sell something, i hope to be able to be just as efficient a seller as i have been a buyer. no matter what, the feedback i do have can speak for itself.

from my experience, audiogon is a fairly close-knit group of people who, despite the geographical distances, are connected through the world-wide web, ups, fed-ex, and the usps. all things considered. it's a fairly remarkable phenomenon. i'm glad to be a small part of it! many thanks to each and every one of you for both your input and support!
be well.