Harshness in Midrange??? Any Help

I currently have the following system in place and was wondering if anyone had any suggestions to get rid of a slight "harsh" sound in the midrange (particularly female voices). It could be only certain recordings, but was hoping some of you had some experience with some of these pieces and could shed some light on their respective sonic characteristics. Thanks in advance.

Mark Levinson 332 amp
Audio Research LS16 Mk 2 preamp
Sony SCD1 SACD player
B&W 802D speakers
Kimber "Hero" XLR connections
Kimber 8TC speaker wire
Before I start pointing fingers at the IC's, I'd like to ask if you're using silver outlets and/or silver PC's? Additionally, is your room treated or is it more on the hard side?

You can also simply adjust the toe-in to get a near field presentation, which will help determine if it's a room or gear issue.
i lived with kimber cable for a while. i was using the single ended version of the hero and the 8tc. i found them a bit heavy in the treble.

while i haven't heard the levenson amp in my stereo system, i have listened to them many times in other systems. certainly, i would not consider them "kind to the ear".

thus, if i were you i would listen to other cable and another amp.
One or more dedicated AC lines should help. I have used the Kimber silver (8tc?) speaker cables and found the sound harsh. I greatly prefer Ensemble cables, also at some point in every great "digital" system, the DAC becomes the weakest link.