Dedicated Audio Room Lighting Ideas?

Before closing up the walls in my new dedicated audio room, I need to settle on the room lighting approach so I can put in the wiring and boxes. The lighting needs to be both bright enough for working in the room and adjustable to suit the moods of 2 channel listening.

The only constraint is I don't want to use can lights since the ceiling is a key part of isolating the sound from the room above and they provide a conduit for the sound. Track lights might work but they would need to be very unobtrusive as the ceiling is 7 1/2 ft. Sconces are a possibility.

Any suggestions? I have looked at many rooms on this site and most pictures show the rooms well, but not the lighting.
Low voltage rope lights might work in your application. You can have 2 runs of low voltage rope lights in the same fixture box/cove but have each on a separate switch which will let you turn on both circuits for more light without using dimmers, use just one for low lighting. I found that well made dimmers are expensive and fail frequently. I also went the route of radio controlled dimmers and zones, they were great while they worked but the receivers/controllers eventually failed, so I went this route. My PS Audio Noise Harvesters go crazy everytime I use a dimmer
Older dimmers did cause noise, but new ones, in my experience, have solved this problem. I suggest that you buy one dimmer, wire it up near your system, and see what happens.
Ncarv: Thanks for the Lutron reminder. Lighting is so key to music moods and a dimmer with remote from the seating position would be a nice touch. Which one did you buy?

Jea48: Nice to hear from you since your good advice on installing my Topaz ISO a year or so back. I do like the sconces and will want one that has minimal protrusion into the room. Four inches would be ideal. I hadn't thought about "paintable" and thats a great idea.

Pawlowski: My teanage daughter would love the ball...

Douglas: Thanks for sharing your extensive experience. I don't have the height for a drop ceiling, however, I do need the isolation from the room above. My current plan is to use IsoMax Isolation Clips with hat channel and 2 layers of 5/8" drywall sandwiched with Green Glue. This creates an isolated and suspended ceiling much like yours. I will forgo the cans however, as I don't want to compromise the isolation in any way. Which Lutron system did you buy? Thanks for the offer to contact you and I may just do so.
I love my sconces and use them 99% of the time and yes on a dimmer but different circuit of course. My ceiling installer said that I would need more lighting and he was wrong, I have never needed anything more in my audio/video room.
There are lots of possibilities. For example, low voltage track lights are very flexible in terms providing perimeter "mood" lighting as well as more direct task lighting. . . and they tend to be small and attractive. The lighting design is as important as the equipment.