My point is that the mainstream hifi industry and the "Hind End" industry has ignored and ridiculed the digital music explosion to its own detriment. And that it doesn't have a clue.
Lossless has been around for the last 5 years. By now shouldn't the players have used their imaginations to see the potential and harness its capabilities instead of relying on uber-expensive one disc players and transports to protect thier existence? Since 2003 when lossless arrived saying digital music is nothing but 'Low Res' has not cut it.
How fun is it flipping through 500 or 1000 discs to find what you are in the mood for? Oh, and who could have imagined people would want tunes in more than one room of their home without buying all new gear (CD/Amp/Speakers) in EVERY room when the source material is in only ONE room?
BTW, I'm not an iTunes/iPod advocate. I use both now but am not wedded to either. I just want music easy to access and high quality. Firms like Sonos, Logitech (Squeezebox/Transporter) and the like will reap the benefits.
I wish the likes of Creek/Arcam and ARC/ML would realize they are not serving up what the people want.
Lossless has been around for the last 5 years. By now shouldn't the players have used their imaginations to see the potential and harness its capabilities instead of relying on uber-expensive one disc players and transports to protect thier existence? Since 2003 when lossless arrived saying digital music is nothing but 'Low Res' has not cut it.
How fun is it flipping through 500 or 1000 discs to find what you are in the mood for? Oh, and who could have imagined people would want tunes in more than one room of their home without buying all new gear (CD/Amp/Speakers) in EVERY room when the source material is in only ONE room?
BTW, I'm not an iTunes/iPod advocate. I use both now but am not wedded to either. I just want music easy to access and high quality. Firms like Sonos, Logitech (Squeezebox/Transporter) and the like will reap the benefits.
I wish the likes of Creek/Arcam and ARC/ML would realize they are not serving up what the people want.