Who else wants to keep their system secret?

For 15 years I have assembled a system that I think is really good for music and video. My system has been affected by location,income,spouse and reviews from Sound and Vision and Home Theater. Reading almost all forums and not seeing any of my components mentioned has made me feel like I missed something. I am grateful for all I have learned from the forums but I am not sure I want to face them. Who else has a system they are happy with, but would rather not reveal?
In the interest of full disclosure, here's today's system (It could change this afternoon):

EVS Level 2 mod'd Oppo 970 Univeral player
Soundstring power cord
RS Audio Silver braid IC

Quad 12L Active monitors
stock power cords
Sound Organizations 24" stands

I'm using the Oppo connected directly to the Quads via it's remote controlled variable output.

That's it! Two Components only at this time. Plays CDs, DVDs, SACD and DVD-As......

Man, do I feel better. It feels like the temperature has dropped 10,000 degrees in here......


Geez, I think that special corner in Hell sounds pretty inviting. Well it's Friday, so today's list looks like:

Verity Audio Parsifal Encore speakers.
BAT VK-75SE amp.
ARC Ref 3 preamp.
Marantz SA-11S1 w/ Ultimate mod from Underwood/pcX.
Basis 2500 Diamond Signature turntable w/ Calibrator base.
Basis Vector 3 tonearm and ZYX UNIverse S-SB cartridge.
Walker Audio Signature phono preamp
Walker Audio Precision Motor Controller.
Jade Audio Hybrid and Vermeil interconnects.
Jade Audio Vermeil speaker cables
Shunyata original Hydra and RSA Danielle PLC's.

Power cords:
Stealth Dreams
RSAD Poiema!!! Signature
DCCA Reference Master
Jena Labs Model One
Kubala Sosna Emotion
Dream State Lucid Dream
Elrod EPS-3 Signature
Audio Horizons Transparency

I'll spare you all the expense of the other various tweaks.

3 systems, always moving stuff around. I put equipment on shelves backwards and sideways for easy access and it doesn't look pretty, so no pics either, maybe one day
I'm probably still going to hell so maybe I shouldn't have given up my reservation.

99% of people, even on here on A'gon, would have no clue what my this sounds like.