Who else wants to keep their system secret?

For 15 years I have assembled a system that I think is really good for music and video. My system has been affected by location,income,spouse and reviews from Sound and Vision and Home Theater. Reading almost all forums and not seeing any of my components mentioned has made me feel like I missed something. I am grateful for all I have learned from the forums but I am not sure I want to face them. Who else has a system they are happy with, but would rather not reveal?
3 systems, always moving stuff around. I put equipment on shelves backwards and sideways for easy access and it doesn't look pretty, so no pics either, maybe one day
I'm probably still going to hell so maybe I shouldn't have given up my reservation.

99% of people, even on here on A'gon, would have no clue what my this sounds like.
Your system is like the window to your audiophile soul.
Without it .....your opinion is life-less & empty.
It doesn't hurt to open up just a little.
Good or bad.....doesn't matter.
I post my system because a few guys here actually put it together for me because of my financial and health reasons and I am super proud of it too!