I think my hearing is damaged.

Let me explain. I am a 46 yr old male. I know cant hear like I used to. People have to repeat themselves. Thats not what I am talking about. Whenever I have a cold my right ear will vibrate inside. It is annoying to the point that I dont want to listen when Im sick. It is always my right ear and never my left. It dulls my hearing until I get well. I have had hearing tests and my right ear is slightly less sensitive. I did a drug for 10 years that may affect hearing. So what is the vibrating??? Is there damage to the eardrum??????
Concur with above posts,see a pro.I have had hearing issues since a brutal sinus deal a couple years ago.Things seem different along with a ringing.Do it now,good luck,Bob
Do you sleep on your right side? It may be fluid (snot?)that flows through your eustachian tubes into your middle ear. A doctor should be able to look into your ear and see if it is infected. Chances are, it will drain out when your cold dries up, and you'll be fine. Try some Sudafed to dry your nose up, maybe then the ear will drain and stop filling up. Don't blow your nose so hard, and if it really freaks you out, try sleeping sitting up. All right, those last 2 suggestions are a bit Dogbert-esque, but I thought I'd throw them out anyhow.
Oh, yeah, what Timrhu said, too.
Disclaimer: I'm an engineer, not a doctor.
02-23-08: Hitman_hifi asked: "Does anyone know of a drug that improves hearing?"

Nope. There are drugs that make you "think" you are hearing better but it is illusory. ;-)

Thanks all. Also I have taken depakote for 10 years. One of the side effects could be hearing loss. i do have ringing/hissing but I can ignore it and doesnt bother me. Your right it does vibrate. i usually sleep on my back. Yes when Im sick it is much worse. Have mild case of the flu right now. I did have one serious case of vertigo 3 years ago. One week. Just got through listening with headphones and it is not there now. Yesterday it was bad. But it is always in my right ear. The ear that does not test as well on my hearing tests from work. Opinions welcome!!!!!