Equipment: To Hide or not to Hide

I am lost between hiding my equipment into a side room or keep it in the open on racks. I know that this is a personal matter. I enjoy looking at my equipment while listening to music. Looking into all the photos of virtual systems make me want to keep them in the open. I am interested in knowing from both camps about their experiences.

I keep mine in the same room proudly displayed. Not only do you get to look at it and have easy access for changing movies and music, you often can get by with shorter wires.
i agree you should be proud of what you have put together and is fun to look at and the shorter wire thing is important you can spend much more money on a shorter wire than a long one
I like to look at it. It's also easier to optimize, and revise your setup if it's in the room.
A good audio rack looks nice in the living room although your SO may not agree. It often provides better support than a cabinet which was not built to the purpose, and its open shelves provide better ventilation.