What matters most for an enjoyable home listen?

What are the factors in you opinion that matter most, resulting in an enjoyable listening experience?

My opinion:

1) performance/artistry/musicianship
2) mastering/production
3) sound of audio system used for playback
4) recording storage or delivery medium (for example vinyl versus CD or other formats of analog/digital)
For both music and movies the same would hold true. Also, the first two are sometimes the most difficult to come by:

1. No distractions (someone interrupting, or talking over the performance, or standing in front of me).
2. A minimal amount of street noise (life in NYC).
3. Something good to eat or drink.
4. Something that I am interested in viewing or listening to.
5. Lastly, it needs to be a good performance (artistry) and sound/look good (system). It doesn't have to be perfect, but excellence is nice to have.

Regards, Rich
The glass of beer/wine is a good add for me as well!

My wife doesn't like loud music anyway, and I do not generally want distractions while listening, so I'd pass on the sweetie thing in general while listening.

Live concerts/performances, different story...count the sweetie in!

There is a time and place for everything after all.....