The most important word of advise?

If you were to make a list of the most important considerations (to pursue or avoid) for putting together an audio system, what would be on the top of the list, the number one most important piece of advise?
If the wimpy looking plain-jane model sounds better, allow your ears to rule your eyes.
Take forum recommendation and opinion with a huge grain of salt. I see more wrong info in forums then right. I would hate to be new to this hobby so much disinformation makes it hard to get real useful info since far more chaff than wheat. A audio forum consists of people with many different levels of experience but it seems many put as much stock in posts by newbies as experts. So allot of advice is coming from folks with little experience.
JohnK's advice is sound (pun intended). Buy Vandersteens or Quads, and similar everyman audio stuff, and get a grip on what folks are talking about. I sold audio stuff for years and only had one customer who I thought shopped intelligently. He came in with three or four of his favorite recordings and asked to hear them on equipment that he could afford. I gave him the demo room for the afternoon. He left without buying anything that day, and I always wondered what he eventually decided.
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Tvad: Mostly customers were pre-sold by advertising. That was fine, but when I tried to give advice based on my knowledge, such as it was, I was met by arguments and questions derived from advertisements. Neither I, or my customers had any useful technical knowledge. For example, we were once treated to a discussion of FM tuner specifications by a factory engineer from Marantz. The ads all compared tuner sensitivity. He pointed out that the tuner sensitivity standards were set in the Thirties for table radios and were of no relevance to stereo reproduction, however, the engineers had to "dumb down" the circuits to meet the sales competition.
CD players were introduced as vastly improved sources. Unless you were deaf, you could hear how horrible they were, but sales soared.
Now all this was in the seventies, so perhaps things are a bit different now.