Cheap tweak from Virtual Dynamics:

Has anyone seen the short video from Virtual Dynamics showing the owner replacing all his speaker screws with all brass screws? I was wondering if you could hear an improvement. It's a cheap tweak, so I thought I might go to Home Depot and try out a set. What can I lose?
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Hi Kirk,
I used to own the Meadowlark Osprey. Funny how I never knew about the driver damping material, however, I never had to replace a driver while I owned them, nor did I ever have a thought of needing to check for their driver screw torque. Too bad that Meadowlark's no longer around. They sure made some great speakers.
I posted a little review of the felt tweeter surrounds in the product reviews for tweeks a while back. I did not like the effect after a while. Could just be me though.
I just received an e-mail from the manufacturer of my speakers after I asked them if the screws on my speakers had to be a certain torque. His response was, " You want the screws to be firm, but not too tight to avoid stripping the screw holes."
All the hardware in my speakers and electronics are of the non ferrous type. The most musical of this type are those of solid brass. Brass is the metal of music. Tom