BDR "The Shelf" Isolation platform

I've read lots of nice things about the Black Diamond Racing "The Shelf" and of course "The Source", as a base for CD players.

Has anyone in the forum had a positive actual experience with these shelves?

If you've had a good experience with a competitor product such as SRA, TAOC, IsoRock etc did you do any comparisons with other product before purchase?
man i love bdr products,tried many cones and other squishy iso products.hard to beat for the money!!
I just got a BDR source shelf with one set of mk.III and one set of mk.IV cones. Going to be used under a CD player, Electrocompaniet EMC-1UP. After reading your post should the layering look like this? CD player- one set of cones with tips pointed up-the shelf-one set of cones with tips pointed down -equiptment rack.

The cones should point towards the shelf and should mirror the arrangement of the opposite set. Trying to mix-n-matching Mk 3's and 4's can lead to a bout of A.N.
Coniferdave - you got it right. Note that you may need to experiment with location for the cones under the CDP.
Listen first with just the cdp sitting on the shelf with no cones then the cones on the shelf pointing up with the CDP on top.

Here's everything you need to know about BDR. Concerning cone positioning, some have tried with tip up/tip down under the same component with varying results.