How many of us look under the hood??

I usually am curious about inner workings of something that I bought. I look cumpulsiveley only when when it fails or does soimething else that is unpleasant
I don't look inside my gear at anytime now as I can't even solder.
The only exception is for speakers. Why I pick speakers is beyond me. I know there is nobody singing and playing their hearts out. I think that actually know somthing about speakers.This is patenley false, not true of course, but I can't help not looking any at some point if possible.
How about you?
Hey, call me stupid. And I just thought of this.........
I have a pair of sealed monitors and am curious about
the innards. But I'm scared to operate because it is a
sealed design. Will I end up suing myself for malpractice, or is there no harm in doing so?
Thanks homies!
I once opened up my Marigo power conditioner and it scared me, kinda like a hellicopter view of an incomprehensible interstate highway system. I closed it up and made like it never happened, for my own sanity.
I remove the cover of nearly every piece I own; mainly to check the parts/build quality. Sometimes to mod with better connectors or wiring.
Here of late I have opened everything and painted it with AVM paint. Sometimes I do this twice as I think of something else that I forgot. You can search for Accentus Speakers and go to AVM. This paint is used on Reference 3A Grand Veenas.
It's pretty much a given with tubed preamps that at some point you will have the lid off. I look at the quality of the solder joints, internal layout and overall quality of construction. I always like the photos in the magazines of components with the lid off. I am not impressed with 18,000.00 preamps with a folded sheetmetal case like the BAT Rex but at least it has plenty of electrical goodies to look at.