Safe Shipping, Fact or Fiction

I have always purchased gear locally as to avoid the potential hassles of dealing with shippers. I have read some of the threads on this site that discuss the carelessness and mishandling of packages. Worse yet, I have read about the major carriers denying claims. I have found an item here on Agon that I would like to buy. The only hesitation I have is the shipping issue.

Overall, how much of a problem is shipping? What recommendations do you have for reducing the chances of these types of problems occurring? I'm not necessarily looking for a rating of UPS vs Fed Ex. I really want to know the best tactics that can be applied (i.e.: the carrier, the packaging, marking/identifying the package, the covering of one's proverbial ass, etc.).

One comment about original packaging materials; you have to evaluate the quality of them as part of your decision to ship. The rigid styrofoam that's often used may fit the gear and the box perfectly but it's good for only one encounter with gravity. It works for that one moment of abuse by collapsing and is then useless for any subsequent bounces.

Some manufacturers put as much care into their packaging as into their products but some don't. I've thrown out a lot of original packaging and replaced it with resilient foam and heavy-duty bubble wrap because I've had too many pieces of equipment damaged due to the failure of the packaging provided by the manufacturer.
I have to agree completly with Sfar's comments . Even my dealer has complained bitterly about some manufactures lack of thought or care in the protection of their products once they leave the factory . Some producing very expensive gear that little care is taken towards packaging . Anything shipped via any choice given comes with inherit risks no matter how well packaged . The best one can do is reduce the risk by packaging as best as one can and pay the price for which ever service reduces handling . Air for sure on long distances . Some buyers who complain about ridiculous brokerage fees when buying say from the US to Canada should know that when you use Air to have something shipped not only are you reducing the risk of overhandling and bouncing around for 2000 miles on the back of a truck the brokerage fees are included when shipped by Air( fed-ex ) . In the long run it costs about 20% less, the fees are upfront with out that month later bill from fed ex that when added to the original costs paid for shipping ground are more expensive than if shipped by Air . Double boxing can,t hurt and does keep the original box clean and unworn . Heavier and larger the shippment the higher the risk , ie large speakers and heavy amps . Turntables, that takes a special skill to package and ship, a skill few have . If insured , shipped with the least amount of handling , and packaged well your product should arrive safely if handled with the profesionalism we hope we paid for .
I just ordered mono-block amplifiers. UPS delivered one to the wrong address which I ultimately received; the other is lost and they're running a trace. I have some suspicions about their tracking system because according to that system, on the scheduled day of delivery, each amp was on a different truck in route to my house.
Some manufacturers forget that an object in motion wants to stay in motion. Although the outer box and inner foam usually does a good job of protecting the chassis, I've seen inside components dislodge when their inertia exceeds the strength of their mounts. Drop a package on its side and the box stops but the transformer inside wants to keep going.

I'm not sure of the solution. Jeff