They lost my amp

I'm hoping you guy's can put me at ease. I bought mono-blocks from an Agon member. The shipper managed to deliver one mono-block but lost the other. They put a trace on it and said we must give them seven days to find it. My question is: When they lose these things, do they usually find them or is it like the police looking for stolen property - it's probably gone. It's been missing one day and it's big.
Maybe UPS should consider a name change to Occasionally Ontime Parcel Service.

OOPS for short.
Hi Everyone,
I've been informed that the cj sojourner is alive and well and residing in Salt Lake City. Keep your fingers crossed for me as Salt Lake City is even further away than Maryland.

Keep us posted on this finding as UPS seems to get a bad rap most of the time.

They have treated me well.
The amp has been delivered and is off to be repaired. The damage indicates strongly that it was dropped.


Sure am sorry to hear my fears were somewhat realized eg., damage.

the repairs, all the expense being put on UPS's dime?

40 x 48 Palletts, Palletts, palletts. Two way or four way, doesn't really matter. have 'em banded onto palletts... not just sitting on them but strapped down onto them!! Darn little will get put on top of them... they usually won't stack them atop anything either... and palletts are usually never run down the confveyor belts, where all the dropping usually happens!

A couple grands worth of gear, matched sets, or "day don't make 'em anymore", IMO, requires a couple hundred more to secure it... and it'sthe "easier softer way", in the end, than tryingh, hoping, praying, one will recover via a claim with the carrier.

Good luck man, I'm pulling for you!