Responses from 2020matters
Is participating in this Forum infringing on and spoiling some of your listening time? I've heard Steve Guttenberg define audiophiles as people who do nothing else while listening to music. With the TV between my speakers, I like to watch people walk the streets of other country’s on YouTube in 4k while listening, on occasion. I... | |
Qobuz Issue Hey Mark, My process 1. Qobuz desktop app, I then empty cart and fill it up with two Sublime titles. I click the first title and Qobuz opens browser. 2. Then I minimize the browser to add second title. 3. FireFox opens to log in Qobuz. My Email... | |
Qobuz Issue Mark, with credit card being my only access to Qobuz high res, I'm really wanting to find an answer also. I continue to get generic email from Sebastien saying Qobuz has new music. Which is like a kick in the nads. Kinda makes me angry. I emailed ... | |
Qobuz Issue Nothing good to share here, either. About interactions with Qobuz. Still no resolve. Sebastien mailed and said that he thought I could use PayPal. I do understand how things might get confusing being English is not his first language. khloebo, h... | |
Qobuz Issue John, I initially joined Qobuz for discounted high res downloads only, and at this time I’m gaining nothing from Qobuz. I was told by Sebastien that PayPal was working, but I have no PP account. Since discovering the issue I’ve tried, differen... | |
Qobuz Issue I first started mailing Sebastien on Nov 13. A deeper look into the problem started 7 days ago, the 15 of November. I’ve asked for a refund of $180, to which yall know the answer. This is what it tells me when I attempt to use same signing up card... | |
Qobuz Issue So, I've bought 20+ albums, prior Sublime and that really confuses me. | |
Schiit customer service seems poor I ordered an item 4 days ago and I've gotten 2-3 quick responses. Today I had a response within the hour. I've noticed a name with who the response is from, Laura, Amy J. I assumed their CS but haven't visited website to verify. | |
Uber expensive repair at United Radio Back in 2019 I bought a Mark Levinson amp used. Around a month later I was hearing a channel acting up. I shipped it to United Radio, who I had to call to learn it arrived. They diagnosed it and claimed everything was working as it should. Which I... | |
PS Audio Noise Harvester I have one NoiseHarvester that Ive plugged in several of the PSAudio Dectect outlets and the wall outlet with the amp. Nothing changed. Didn't matter which zone of the Dectect I plugged the NoiseHarvester in. I wasn't able to detect a difference... | |
What kind of listening chair Its a love seat and it has low, mid back plush fabric. I sit three quarters to the right. Plenty of room to keep things, like remotes, to the left. I feel that a lower back is the best option. | |
What is the Silliest Accessory You Have Ever Seen. I’ve read before that a listening seat back shouldn’t be above your shoulders, lower seat backs provide a better listening experience. Yet, I have seen a 2 channel listening chair, sea shell kinda, that appeared to come up mid head. I can't see th... | |
Whats this for? I did an owners Manual search and only found Hex key in "box contents". I've attempted to mail Levinson already and its been a week and no reply. So, not sure that worked out, I'll try again. | |
Whats this for? Now that makes sense. Considering phono is optional. Thanks @m2team. | |
Whats this for? The Hex key wasn't included with the white glove/owners manual pack so maybe Mark Levison is behind on up dating their "contents in box"? |