
Responses from 8th-note

D'agostino amplifiers: where's the beef?
At AXPONA 2018 I talked to a guy from D'Agostino during a slow period on the last day. He told me how expensive and difficult it was to make the copper heat sinks and how they had to replace a bunch of them under warranty from early in the product... 
Threshold, Levinson, Bryston, Krell, ?others? used amps
I have a Krell KSA 300S and I absolutely love it but there are some issues with owning a vintage Krell. I'm running a pair of Thiel CS6 speakers which dip below 3 ohms and have low sensitivity (87 db) so the robust power of the Krell is critical t... 
Can anything be down about this? There must be an agenda!
To answer the original question, there is really only one thing you can do about this. Before buying a remastered recording check the Dynamic Range Database to see if the remaster is heavily compressed. If it is, don’t buy it. The only way to fix ... 
Why hasn’t B&W ever entered the ultra hi-end for speakers?
@mtdining " Hifi companies break down into two distinct groups - those who invest primarily in marketing like B&W and those who invest primarily in R&D like Wilson Audio. Wilson has sold far more speakers than all the others combined beca... 
Does high end system with dedicated circuits need grounding products
I went to AXPONA in 2018 and heard a demo of an Ansuz power distributor/grounding gizmo. It was their top end model and cost $20k but I don't remember the model number. IIRC one of the main features of the thing was that it acted as a star groundi... 
Best used integrated under $5k
This at the very low end of your price range but I thought I would mention it in case you might want to direct some of your budget to other upgrades. Denon made a series of integrated amps with the designation PMA-2000. I have the 2000IVR. They ha... 
What could cause this amp to fail?
Here are several points which I hope are helpful.1. Your Thiels are difficult speakers to drive. They dip below 4 ohms for part of their frequency spectrum and they aren't very sensitive. If your amp were going to fail on any set of speakers it wo... 
has anybody else noticed this about flac audio?
Regarding the difference in sound between vinyl and digital, what you are really hearing is a whole constellation of differences between your turntable and your digital player/converter. To start with it is highly likely that there is a frequency ... 
Lifespan of amps and preamps?
Regarding the question of maintenance on your NAD and Adcom both are due for a recapping. A general rule of thumb is that capacitors have a life of between 20 an 30 years, regardless of how often the components were powered up. These parts have a ... 
XLR connectors
I have 4 different brands of balanced cables, all with different looking connectors. I can't hear a difference in any of them. 
What is the average dealer mark up?
Just to make sure we're talking the same language, the business term of art is "Gross Margin." That is the percentage of gross markup you receive on the sales price. In audio as well as many other businesses it is common to have a Gross Margin aro... 
Upgrades for Thiel CS 3.6?
FWIW I have CS6's. Here's a few more points:If you are interested in learning more than you ever wanted to know about Thiel speakers I recommend that you read the Thiel Owners thread on this forum. It takes several nights of reading but you will c... 
Are aftermarket power cords required to be UL / CE approved?
doltwithlife has asked an excellent question. I'm surprised that nobody has suggested that he simply write an email to the manufacturer to ask.I am considering getting an aftermarket cord for my Krell amp and until now I never considered this issu... 
Stereo Receivers from the past...
If you are willing to go with two pieces of gear instead of one it is generally better to go with an integrated amp plus a separate tuner. Integrated amps were built to be more robust than receivers and will often handle difficult speaker loads be... 
Amplifiers weight
The weight of an amp results from the philosophy of the designer. If the goal is to have an amp that will linearly increase its power into low impedance loads then it's likely to be heavy. In addition, if the designer prefers Class A bias then tha...