Responses from alfa100
PASS LABS XA-30.5 vs XA-60.5 hello alli have the xa30.5 driving the audio physic scorpio ii 91dB and 4ohms. i wonder whether 30.5 is the best for me or should i upgrade to 60.5 or 100.5 | |
Wadia S7i direct to amp talk2me, thank you. i too am interested in the power cable used | |
transparent audio ultra ic burn in time i believe i heard the difference as i had both cables at the same time | |
How good is the Ayre DX-5 Universal as a CD player Thank you TimI will try Transparent Audio ref XLR between my Wadia 571 and 521. but I need to wait a while till my dealer gets me one.Alfa100 | |
How good is the Ayre DX-5 Universal as a CD player hello Tim, which glass optical digital cable were you trying. i am researching same and heard of the AURAL OPTISM LOTUS.Do you have a recommendation. sorry to drift topic a little | |
Solidstate king of immediacy for ceramic drivers ? Try Pass Labs. if you want integrated i see the INT150 on offer on Audiogon for $4490. | |
transparent audio ultra ic burn in time i have now purchased the Transparent Audio reference is burned and sounds wonderful | |
transparent audio ultra ic burn in time hello Mceljoneither my mind nor ears are playing tricks on me. my friend would come around regularly and heard similar to me.I believe it is important to have revealing source, amp and speakers to note the differences.please post results of your b... | |
transparent audio ultra ic burn in time I have 200 hours on the Ultra cables and pleased to report a big improvement. sound kept changing,driving me nuts. first came the improvement in airiness which kept improving. followed by the improvement in bass exrension. Now bass extension,airin... | |
Wadia S7i direct to amp hello folksI specicifically read this forum regarding the S7i because I notice Wadia claims it has a new volume control.I have the Pass Labs XA30.5 and Wadia 301 cd player. I am upgrading and need to know whether to purchase either the Pass Labs X... | |
Pass Labs XP-10 & XP20 Users what power cable is best for xp20? |