
Responses from andy2

First order/Time Phase-Coherent speakers discussions
There are mountains of evidence: genetic, fossil, comparative anatomy, homology, and much more. Carry on... You really took it seriously did you?  I look more like chimps than apes.   
Thiel Owners
Hi Tom,Actually I appreciate your timely feedback and I have said many times I have a lot of admiration for Thiel’s products. I’ve looked at a lot of Stereophile measurements it seems like there are speaker manufacturers that pursued "time phase c... 
Thiel Owners
While I commend Stereophile for actually measuring some of the gear they review. The discussion is not really about Stereophile measurements but more about the underlying meaning of "time coherent" or "phase coincidence" (Tom terminology). My arg... 
Thiel Owners
Atkinson and others have hijacked "coherence" to include the smooth phase transitions in non-coincident systems with large phase shift - as long as the phase transitions are smooth, some call it phase coherent That is certainly what I understan... 
Thiel Owners
"Since if a speaker can produce a step response correctly, therefore it is time-phase coherent, and therefore it must be "good" - is not something I hear him saying. He does say that "all else being equal, phase coherent speakers tend to produce... 
First order/Time Phase-Coherent speakers discussions
Funny ...  I really have no idea if there is such a thing as a "better" speakers.  From personal experiences, designing first order speakers is really hard and it usually takes a long time vs. higher order speakers.  This is not a subjective obser... 
First order/Time Phase-Coherent speakers discussions
Who is kenjit?  Is he a mythical hero?  If a mythical hero postings, then by definition all his postings would be a myth? 
First order/Time Phase-Coherent speakers discussions
Hi Tim,I agree with what you said.  Putting a cap on a tweeter for example does not mean a first order 6db/octave.  The best I can hope for is 6db/octave in a limited frequency range.  I think speakers from Thiel and Vandersteens that "claimed" to... 
Thiel Owners
For those who are interest in a more detail discussions of first order/time phase coherent design, I have just created a thread specific to this subject.  I actually have simulations, plots, graphs and not just subjective philosophical rubbish :-)... 
Thiel Owners
Given some of the recent posts about cable upgrades, I wonder if you notice that the "larger" the system, the more apparent the difference makes.  For example, if you have small monitors in a small room vs. a large system such as a real four way s... 
Thiel Owners
Still, the little tiny Spendor S3/5 speakers I have can sound spooky accurate to real human voices. And at the recent Toronto audio show I attended, voices played via the Harbeth speakers (thin wall, wider baffle design) sounded more human than ... 
Thiel Owners
A few previous posts ago, I said that the most apparent difference between first order vs. higher order is in the treble.I also notice that first order filter speakers such as the Thiels make early 1980's recordings sounding more "musical" than th... 
Thiel Owners
I was wondering if the CS2.7 uses the same bass driver as the CS2.4?  At least they visually look the same and about the same size. 
Thiel Owners
my present work on these products strongly suggests that "neutrality vs musicality" is not necessarily a dichotomy. The assumption that we must sacrifice Articulation / Neutrality / Resolution in order to get "Musicality" is not necessarily so. ... 
Thiel Owners
I’ve been thinking about the time/phase coherent and to be honest I’ve been back and forth - it matters, then it matters not like a girl choosing who to marry.  One is for money and one is for love lols.  A lot of it is more like personal experien...