Responses from asctim
Any other Pipe And Slippers Audiophiles out there? I might consider a bubble pipe. I'd like one with an LED light to make the bubbles glow as they emerge. I've already got the slippers and the speakers. | |
WHY IS THERE SO MUCH HATE FOR THE HIGH END GEAR ON AUDIO GEAR? @uncledemp That's an interesting post. Some say there is only one God, but all seem to agree there are many facets to this God, making it difficult to determine precisely where "God" stops and other things start. Take the trinity, for example, o... | |
WHY IS THERE SO MUCH HATE FOR THE HIGH END GEAR ON AUDIO GEAR? I have no problem with high end gear. I do, however, have a problem with some of the explanations that are given for why the stuff sounds better, and how the fact that it does sound better is determined. It’s OK to say nobody has a clue, which see... | |
Does a particular musician’s songwriting and artistry speak to you above all others? After answering mostly in the negative to this question by agreeing with another poster who had already said what I was going to say, I have to admit that there are a couple of artists that came to mind last night. Pixies - this is a really, real... | |
Does a particular musician’s songwriting and artistry speak to you above all others? @stuartk What you said sums it up well for me too. | |
Dream Amps I Could Not Afford 20 Years Ago Now Undesirable I wanted Wilson WATT / Puppies back in the 1990s. Then I wanted Klipschorns, which I got and still have, and don't listen to much anymore. Now I want to try new and unorthodox things, so DIY is required, and I've lost interest in owning off-the-sh... | |
How easily can you distinguish between different DACs? Good points by all. Some musicians want top notch instruments, others will perform on whatever is available and adjust their style. If any piece of equipment does something you really like, and you can manage the cost, then get it! James Booker m... | |
How easily can you distinguish between different DACs? @facten Over the years I've been allowed to compare various brands including Theta, Wadia, Mark Levinson, and more recently Benchmark. These all sounded fine to my ears, but nothing has ever leapt out at me, even after extended periods of listen... | |
How easily can you distinguish between different DACs? @arafiq Really? You think that’s the only thing setting a Ferrari and Corolla apart? No, and you are emphasizing my point for me very well. There are huge and easily measurable differences between a Ferrari and Corolla. Nobody would confuse t... | |
How easily can you distinguish between different DACs? Speaking of Corolla Ferrari comparisons, I think what has to be kept in mind is that when you take a cheap and expensive dac "out on the track" you find out that the Corolla dac with it's cheap tires and regular gas is keeping up with the fully de... | |
How easily can you distinguish between different DACs? I don't hear vast differences between modern dacs, except for the ones that won't reliably lock on to my digital source. I'm very sensitive to the music randomly cutting out. | |
Acoustically Treating a Bomb Shelter That's a lot of width, AND you've also got a full 20 feet of depth so it seems pretty ideal. I would try flipping it around just to see how it sounds. It's often recommended to put the speakers on the lower ceiling end. The sound tends to propagat... | |
Tube sound is not about warmth. It's about correct presentation. Correct presentation is an interesting concept, and I can’t resist the temptation to make analogies to photography. If we’re going to print a photograph of a sunny beach scene, and we want it to look natural and realistic, are we just going to lin... | |
Tube sound is not about warmth. It's about correct presentation. My experience with tube amps has not been better than solid state. I've liked some tube amps well enough, but I have yet to hear what it is that gets others so excited about them. In any case, I'll agree with the OP's assertion that proper present... | |
Real or Surreal. Do you throw accuracy out the window for "better" sound? A sound can seem realistic even if it's not accurately being reproduced. It might have been intended to sound like it's being heard in a different listening context than it's coming across, but it's coming across in a way that sounds very realisti... |