Responses from asctim
One key to building great systems over time. I think it’s true that you generally get what you pay for. But what you get by paying more may not always be something you want. This is what I’ve discovered in repeatedly being disappointed as I tried more exotic brands, and not just in audio. I ... | |
Room Too Dead @soix That’s just mid bass and not what I’d consider “lows.” Mid bass is usually what needs to be gotten after. What you call "lows" are very difficult to absorb. I agree with your earlier statement that curtains and such are not going to ab... | |
Room Too Dead @dekay +1 Thin plastic can reflect highs while still letting bass go through and get absorbed by underlying layers. You’ll need to get it distributed on opposite walls so the sound can bounce around again. By selectively livening up parts of... | |
Bacch Dsp, True stereo? @hifidream I agree that highly directional speakers do certainly help with stereo imaging, but I couldn’t get them to do much in terms of crosstalk elimination. I’m using horn speakers right now in conjunction with crosstalk reduction and I’m ge... | |
Bacch Dsp, True stereo? @pinthrift Thanks for the excellent review. If crosstalk reduction were more common, more recordings might be made in a more "hands off" way. As I stated earlier, I’ve not heard BACCH myself, but I’ve used a physical divider, and as you experien... | |
Benchmark AHB2 compared to Rogue Atlas Magnum III @tvrgeek My impression of these really well controlled, ultra low distortion amps is similar to yours. Stiff upper lipped is a great description. I’ve used the word "dry" in an attempt at a description of the effect, but they seem to have an iro... | |
Benchmark AHB2 compared to Rogue Atlas Magnum III It's not just a matter of the speaker being good enough to reveal differences. It will have a lot to do with the impedance of the speaker at various frequencies, causing the tube amp to produce a slightly different frequency response. A good speak... | |
WHY CABLES MATTER! It seems none of these manufacturers seem to know how to make a proper power cord for their electronics. It makes me question every other design decision they make. If a short power cord makes a difference, imagine what a long power cord might do?... | |
WHY CABLES MATTER! @tvrgeek Interesting experiments. Thanks for sharing that. @demigodparticle Thanks for sharing your experience. I’m getting the impression that not all of us hear these differences as important, if we hear them at all. I haven’t gone as far a... | |
Bacch Dsp, True stereo? It's not a new fad. Ralph Glasgal has been promoting DSP crosstalk reduction for a long time. Polk, Carver, Lexicon and others have tried to tackle the crosstalk problem over the years using analog methods. It's a real problem, a real shortcoming ... | |
Aalto Acoustics Lab in Finland I’ve watched some youtube videos where people experiment with playing instruments in anechoic chambers. Most instruments suffer without some room reinforcement, but the gong owned the anechoic chamber. It had so much built in reverberance that the... | |
Aalto Acoustics Lab in Finland Thanks for sharing this. What did you think of the anechoic chamber? I've heard that they bother some people because of the eye/ear mismatch. We hear relatively anechoic environments outside all the time, but we don't expect an anechoic effect whe... | |
WHY CABLES MATTER! @cleeds Who exactly is the "we" you apparently pretend to represent? If some simple measurements would please you, feel free to make some of your own. The "we" are the ones you referred to as not interested in discussion, but would rather... | |
WHY CABLES MATTER! @invalid I've had Polk sda2a speakers for over 30 years I had that same speaker. I bought mine back around 1991 or '92. I liked them but didn't tend to use that crosstalk cable. I didn't understand how it was supposed to work and so I honestl... | |
WHY CABLES MATTER! This article answers my questions. Cables can definitely make a difference. I don’t see why they need to cost a lot, but you may need a specific mix of resistance, inductance, capacitance with any given system to get a most desired result. In some... |