

Responses from audioguy85

Phono stage question
Try a tavish design classic or vintage, both under a grand and both are tubed. Made in the US. They both have mm/mc, however I'm using a Jensen step up transformer and the mm section of the tavish classic. Cartridge is the Hana el.  
Streamer wanted
Don’t waste your money... all you need is a cheap grace digital link...$159 Amazon. Most people cannot hear a difference between cd 16/44 and so called hi-res. Although the grace will do hi-res. Spend the money on an external dac. Even then, you n... 
Most rooms don’t need acoustical treatment.
Been saying this forever....😜 
Are warm or colored speakers disrespectful of musicians/producer/engineers?
Rather have warm/colored than harsh/bright any day....my tannoys make me want to listen all day long (I wish that were possible). So do my wharfedales for that matter. Wonderful speakers. 
Best Sounding Platform´s for Amazon Turntables
Lol, bought my music hall mmf-7.3 via Amazon. Received it in 2 days. I love Amazon....Never heard of an Amazon turntable.... 
Phono Stage, How much do I need to spend, New or used.
The musical fidelity lx-lps is a terrific mm/mc phono preamp. Comes with both loading and capacitance plugs. Excellent specs as well. I think it is still avail at $499. Still have mine, even though I moved up to a tavish design tubed phono preamp.  
The Most "Analog" CD Player?
I have a music hall mmf-7.3, I would not say cheap, but came with an ortofon 2m bronze attached. I checked it and it is aligned dead on. It sounds fantastic. 
What room treatment product have transformed your room or audio system?
A rug (wall to wall), toss pillows, throws... 
A tale of two turntables
Why would he get tired of the pro-ject? I don’t get it...I’ve owned the classic sb for going on 3 years and I’ve yet to tire of it. Running the Hana el. Great sounding/looking table. It looks a lot better than the technics, and has better isolatio... 
Had an epiphany, what would happen when all of you die?
All my crap will either be given away, thrown away, or sold at a yard sale...🥺...no one else cares about this stuff but me. Trying to get my daughter interested in the hobby. She seems receptive and received her first turntable for Christmas last ... 
Inexpensive speaker cables
You can’t go wrong with the audioquest type 4’s. They are inexpensive and tend to not add or omit anything to the signal. Stereophile recommended component for years...I would contact audio advisor, as they can custom make you a pair with your cho... 
Brand new Technics SL-1210GR platter wobble ... disappointed!
To be honest with the op, I do not see that much of a wobble in any of those videos. I’ve seen a lot worse! It seemingly is mostly/hardly noticeable on the bottom portion of that platter. When looking at the top, I do not notice much if any wobble... 
Brand new Technics SL-1210GR platter wobble ... disappointed!
Chakster, Rega and pro-ject are not junk! I really wish you would stop! Just because you seemingly favor a direct drive, in particular "technics" (which by the way was developed for dj- ing) does not mean a belt drive is junk. You seem hell bent a... 
Phono Stage, How much do I need to spend, New or used.
Ugh, filling the room? Never ever heard this when comparing a phono stage. Speakers? Yes. More sensitive speaker or a more powerful amp to drive existing speakers to a louder level would "fill a room". Most phono stages will work the same, amplify... 
Best audio time b4 even hearing of the sweet spot?
Was playing Stevie ray Vaughn couldn’t stand the weather lp in a rather small room, spare bedroom turned into a den. I was driving my old B&W 602 s3’s with my Rotel equipment, using a denon dp37f direct drive turntable. Man those speakers were...