

Responses from audiojan

Can Anyone Identify The Make of this Preamp
Could it been a Conrad Johnson, either CT5, ET2, or ART (could be GAT, but that is newer if I remember correctly)  
Cardas Clear or AudioQuest Carbon USB cable
Definitely Cardas Clear. I've had both in my system and the Cardas USB is clearly (no pun intended) superior. Warmer yet more detailed.  
What is the best pre-amp for ARC Ref 75SE amp?
PS Audio BHK pre is an amazing match to the REF75SE. I tested the REF5SE as well but the BHK outperformed it!  
Mcintosh amplifiers and preamps
Good stuff, great quality, holds its value and is reliable. Just not my cup of tea... the sound leaves me wanting for more of something, just never been able to pinpoint exactly what the something is...  
All NEW Klipsch Jubilee Horn Speakers !... Game Changer ?...
I was at AVT and yes, the Jubilee are massive and extremely dynamic, but I never felt really engaged... fun fur a short time but nothing I could live with  
How is the Pass Labs X150.5 at low volume?
No experience with X150.5, but low level listening with XA60.5’s we’re quite good.on a related note… I tried PrimaLuna Evo400 pre with the XA60.5’s and it just didn’t work well… poor synergy 
Demos - To Charge a Fee or to Not Charge a Fee?
Maybe we should define demo... are we talking in-store or home demo? If in store, no fee, that's part of doing business. In home demo, then I think a fee is perfectly acceptable (as long as that fee is deducted from a purchase). I have a local dea... 
Demos - To Charge a Fee or to Not Charge a Fee?
One model could be to charge a fee but to deduct that from any purchase. At least that way, the dealer gets some business (and it becomes essentially free for the buyer as long as something is purchased...) 
100W+ solid-state amps known for beautiful mids
Pass Labs XA series amp, especially the XA60.5  
Upgrade from Cardas Neutral Reference speaker cables
Stretch to Cardas Clear. You’d be very happy you did! 
What's your dream speaker?
It took me well over 20 years, but I finally have Wilson Watt Puppy’s (8’s). 
Best Speaker for classical music
It really depends… for close miked solo piano, I would pick larger Magnepan. For a full symphonic orchestra, Wilson. I’ve had both and ultimately settled on W/P8. Great for all music, but simply amazing with a well recorded orchestra. The dynamic ... 
Pass Labs XA25 vs Benchmark AHB2
@acurus yes, I spent significant time with the xa25. Compared to the ahb2, it’s definitely warmer. It’s shades in the gray scale, not black vs white... 
Pass Labs XA25 vs Benchmark AHB2
On two completely different sides of the spectrum. The Pass Labs is warmer, slightly romantic and will highlight the performance as a whole and show the room/hall size. The Benchmark is extremely transparent and detailed, highlighting the individu... 
Magico A3 vs. Wilson SabrinaX
I honestly think it must’ve been the setup... SabrinaX are quite dynamic... not as much so as the Sasha or older W/P’s, but not lacking in slam.The XA25 should be able to drive it to reasonable level.