
Responses from audiokinesis

Speakers play down till ?hz before imaging suffers
At one time I read several Audio Engineering Society papers on the subject of detection of low frequency sources, and came away with the understanding that a crossover frequency of 80 Hz was acceptable as long as the low-pass filter's slope was st... 
Quad 57 or 63 with Gradients
I've owned several pairs of 57's, and a pair of 63's with the dedicated Gradient subs. In my opinion, a good pair of 57s sounds a bit better in the vocal region than a good pair of 63s. The 63s will definitely play louder. So there is no clear-cut... 
Which speakers have wide dispersion?
Drew, note that the SoundLabs espoused by Twb2 do not suffer from the narrowed radiation pattern one would normally expect from a large panel. This is because the diaphragm of the SoundLabs is a faceted curve, which radiates over a 90 degree arc (... 
Which speakers have wide dispersion?
Thanks for the mention, Shadorne!At this point only one of my speakers would qualify as "wide dispersion", and that's my big Dream Makers, which are bipolar (kinda like their designer). But instead of the pattern being very wide primarily in the f... 
why are two subs harder to place than full range?
Generally fullrange speakers offer fewer placement options than two subs would, but on the other hand the designer probably has a pretty good idea of where they will be placed in the room. With dual subs, the range of possible placement options ex... 
aerial model 7, both speakers completly smoked
If you can brush away the soot and identify the drivers (manufacturer, model number), then IF they are off-the-shelf drivers perhaps you can purchase them from either Madisound or Parts Express at some savings.If they are not off-the-shelf drivers... 
Songs about the end of the cold war / Soviets
"Russians" actually came out long before the fall of the Soviet Union, but at the time I thought its message was magnificent: "The only thing that will save me and you is if the Russians love their children too" Kinda repaints the whole "us vs the... 
Atma-sphere S-30 with Reference 3A?
Marty, thanks for posting your observation. I would guess that the gentle, fairly broad increase in energy in the 2 kHz region psychoacoustically more than offsets the fairly narrowband increase in energy in the upper bass region. I hadn't thought... 
Atma-sphere S-30 with Reference 3A?
Eyeballing the impedance curve and frequency response curve measured by SoundStage, I think this speaker would work quite well with the S-30. The impedance curve is admirably smooth, and the impedance rise around 2.5 kHz is just about centered on ... 
Help - Nice small dipole or bipole for HT wanted.
In my opinion, a bipolar's side-null is beneficial in a multichannel setup. The reverberant energy is a separate event from the first-arrival energy (produced by the front channels), and different priorities come into play.You do not want the rear... 
Easy to drive large speakers for Rock & Roll?
To Dr. Joe's list above, I'll add the Altec Model 14 (little brother of the superb Model 19), and the JBL model 4430 studio monitor. Dukedealer/manufacturer 
Transmission line speakers - great with tubes
I'm not familiar with the Circas, but Kevin Blair of Buggtussel went to great lengths in his designs to achieve an unusually smooth impedance curve. This makes more of a difference than most people realize, and is probably among the reasons the Bu... 
Want to accept the Harbeth 7's, but...
If the Harbeths are close to the wall(s), you might try moving them out away from the walls and see if that helps. Early reflections and/or too much boundary reinforcement can muddle the sound.Duke 
Which is for me, floorstanding, or books w subs?
I was quite impressed with the Boston Acoustics CR-8 a few years ago. Whatever its successor is today, it's probably also pretty darn good for the money (which should be within your ballpark).Duke 
Owners of speakers by obscure companies chime in
Rgs92, I communicated with one of The Absolute Sound's reviewers, and the sticking point really was not advertising. The sticking point was my lack of a dealer network. TAS is at the top of the food chain (along with Stereophile), and as such thei...