Responses from audiokinesis
Atma-Sphere MP-1 inputs Nope. I agree with Tvad. I use the single-ended tape loop as the input from my dac.Dukedealer/manufacturer | |
Two Subwoofers... Comb Effect I was logged in on the account of a physically challenged friend (with his permission) when I posted above. Duke | |
Two Subwoofers... Comb Effect Comb filtering is not an issue at low frequencies because the room response swamps out any lobing due to multiple sources. Because the ear is literally slow to register bass frequencies, it cannot distinguish between the first-arrival sound and th... | |
Increase efficiency with high-pass filters? Sorry, but you wouldn't gain any efficiency.If you're talking about a filter that comes before the amplifier, you'd gain about 1 dB of amplifier headroom by relieving it of having to reproduce the bass region at full power. If the filter comes aft... | |
Would appreciate some recommendations. Hello Wsamoska,What improvements are you looking for on the woofer section over what that big Krell is doing now? Dukedealer/manufacturer | |
Accurate non-boomy sub for satellite system Marty,Thanks for your post. It sounds to me like you combined multisubs with EQ, and this is an excellent approach. The reason is, with distributed multisubs the bass is much more consistent throughout the room, so that when you equalize you are m... | |
Accurate non-boomy sub for satellite system One problem with most vented subs is that they are approximately "flat" under anechoic conditions, often down to a very low frequency. So when room gain is factored in (typically +3 dB per octave below 100 Hz), the result is a slow and bass-heavy ... | |
Speakers & the room Hello Spaz,That's some lovely equipment you got there.Eyeballing the pics on your System page, two things sort of jump out at me: Perfect symmetry, and lots of absorption panels. In my opinion, therein may lie at least some of the problem.As you m... | |
room acoustics question Sound travels about 13500 inches per second. So if your dipoles are 4 feet out from the wall, the backwave's arrival is delayed by roughly (4*12*2)/13500 = 7.1 milliseconds relative to the frontwave, not factoring in angles.I prefer diffusion of t... | |
How to Position Speakers in a Square-ish Room I suggest taking your basic standard equilateral triangle placement and rotating it in the horizontal plane somewhat, such that your setup ends up somewhere in between "square" and "diagonal". This should smoothe the bass relative to a symmetrical... | |
active vs passive speakers The active Revolution calls for two amplifiers per side: One for the bass section, and one for the mid/high section. The preamp's output goes to the active crossover, and then the active crossover sends the appropriate signal to the various amplif... | |
Atma-Sphere MA2 Mk2.3 / Krell KSA 250 / Passlabs? I overlooked the last line of the specs Rushton posted:"Impedance, (200-20 kHz): 5.0 - 7.7 ohms"That is very encouraging, and I think his assessment that the MA-2 would work fine is correct. Worst case scenario, I think the frequency response will... | |
Atma-Sphere MA2 Mk2.3 / Krell KSA 250 / Passlabs? I think that Ralph is already on the road, headed for the Rocky Mountain Audio Fest.I'm getting ready to leave myself and don't have time to try to find measurements online of the Dynaudio speakers. The MA-2 will have sufficient power, but I'd wan... | |
Impdence Question Kijanki, I gotta tip my hat to you on your openness and honesty in acknowledging that you have found at least one source on the internet that does not agree with your position. Most people would not have posted that, being more interested in "winn... | |
Impdence Question Oops - that should have been "Kijanki". Sorry I butchered your moniker.Duke |