Responses from audiokinesis
speaker recommendations for a 12 x 12 room? Thank you very much, naked... but between you and me, I just talk a good game. Cheers,Duke | |
speaker recommendations for a 12 x 12 room? Iplaynaked asked: "Er, what specifically do you feel are "hard and fast rules" that are counter-intuitive, as you say? I believe everyone here would like to know, actually. I would."Well, that's not really what I said. I said that much of audio is... | |
speaker recommendations for a 12 x 12 room? Iplaynaked, I realize that using large-diameter woofers in a small room is counter-intuitive. But then much of audio is counter-intuitive. For example, my suggestion to rotate the speakers-plus-listener triangle by about 20 degrees (resulting in a... | |
speaker recommendations for a 12 x 12 room? Bdgregory, glad to hear it worked for you!Pryso, I've found diagonal setups like you describe to often work well with planars, like Maggies and Quads. Now a dipole does have a bit smoother in-room bass than a monopole, according to an AES paper by... | |
Most enveloping sounding CDP Spaz, mebbe it's none of my beeswax, but...An important ingredient in recreating a sense of envelopment is a strong, diffuse, slowly-decaying reverberant field. In eyeballing your system, I see lots of absorptive panels lining the walls of your ro... | |
speaker recommendations for a 12 x 12 room? One problem of small rooms - especially small, square rooms - is the resulting large peaks and dips in the bass region due to speaker/room interaction.If you can place the speakers with some assymmetry in the horizontal plane, relative to the room... | |
Almost there but not quite.... Well, you might scoot the speakers a little bit farther apart so that you're not quite so nearfield, and just for kicks try toeing them in severely so that they criss-cross in front of the listening position. If you want a warmer tonal balance, yo... | |
Single driver speakers - opinions If you really want to go first class, seriously, get in touch with Johnk. He uses fantastic parts quality and he has experience with a wider range of fullrange drivers than anyone I know, and is highly competent in enclosures that get the most out... | |
Used speakers for $3k? Oh the confusion Hello Stereo,I was a Cliffhanger dealer, and yup the Bulldog was killer! A classy little three-way in an league where virtually everything else was a two-way, and Ian did a superb job with the crossover. Nice to come across someone who appreciates... | |
Atma-Sphere S-30 MK3 Nice amp you got there. There's one in my living room, too.I haven't experienced what you describe during break-in, so can't make any suggestions on that topic.However, I do have some experience in designing speakers to work well with the S-30 (as... | |
Help me in the right direction, new speakers I suggest that high quality pro-sound drivers are more likely to convey the "emotion" in the music well. You see, musicians use dynamic contrast to convey emotion. When the music calls for a 20 dB peak, if the speakers only give you 17 dB increase... | |
First name basis? Gee, I never really thought about it. I guess your idea makes makes sense, unless the guy drops some subtle hint about how he'd like to be addressed.His Royal HighnessSupreme Emperor and Dictator-For-Lifethe One, the OnlyDuke | |
Quad 57 or 63 with Gradients Detlof, very cool! It sounds like you probably came up with it before I did. I first tried the Quad tweeter tweek around 2000 or so, I think; it was after I got my first SoundLabs. I think Martin Logan later used a rear-firing tweeter on some of t... | |
High efficiency speakers That 18-watt Lamm amp really gives you more options than most single-ended triode amps do. I think you can reasonably look at speakers below 95 dB efficiency, assuming a benign impedance curve. I've shown benign 92-dB speakers with SET amps of 5, ... | |
Quad 57 or 63 with Gradients Hmmm. I posted a response, and I think I even went back and saw it up here, but is no here now.So, lemme try again.The '57 beams pretty seriously in the treble region, and the tweeter panel has an absorbent pad behind it so the radiation is monopo... |