Responses from audiokinesis
More Efficient Sound Labs on The Way? I would expect the Thors to have no trouble driving the Sound Labs, though you might want to check with Paul Marks for his thoughts. I can describe the impedance curve to you if you'd like. The Thors use the same output tube complement as the Soun... | |
Anyone Using Gradient Loudspeaker? I'm a Gradient dealer, so beware...The designer of the Gradients, Jorma Salmi, takes the radiation pattern into account to a much greater extent than most designers do. Indeed, even dynamic dipole guru Seigfried Linkwitz tips his hat to Jorma. Gra... | |
Imaging/Soundstaging - Does room size matter? I am inclined to think that off-center images being localized at the speakers may well be a loudspeaker issue rather than a room one. Maybe a driver breakup mode, or a diffraction artifact, or a crossover phase anomaly, or a box resonance (either ... | |
Anyone hear the latest Genesis 501's? I heard the Genesis 501's in Denver, sharing a room with a pair of forty grand Dali Megalines. Personally, I preferred the 501's to the Megalines, but then I tend to prefer speakers with a warmish overall tonal balance and a relatively rich presen... | |
Education: Best place for Audio Engineering? Hello Nicholas,I spent most of my adult life in an industry that I did not enjoy, and now I'm peddling audio gear, which I love. I still fantasize about designing loudspeakers, but the reality is I couldn't pass the math classes it would take to h... | |
Speaker position The sadly discontinued Snell Type A was designed to be placed with its back up against the wall. This was one of the most intelligently designed speakers ever made. You might find a used pair; the woofers sag after a while and the surrounds may ha... | |
New Management at Atma-Sphere Music Systems I've been an Atma-Sphere dealer for several years now, and can't help but share Rushton's concern at not having seen Ralph's stamp of approval in a posting of his own. I read the press release which indicates Ralph's wholehearted approval, but fra... | |
Magnan Signature speaker cable Hello Alex,Congrats on being an IRS Beta owner! That's a superb loudspeaker system. I've sold quite a few pairs of Magnan Signature speaker cabling to customers who own electrostatic loudspeakers (Sound Labs, Martin Logans, and Quads). I've also s... | |
Pass amps I haven't actually heard the combination, so this is only speculation: I think the Pass Alephs might work well with the Merlins, but I don't think the X series would be a very good choice in this case. My experience suggests that the Merlins prefe... | |
No posting from me for awhile What a wonderful job you have - thanks for sharing so much of it with us via your photo essays.Wish you a great trip, Albert - see you in Denver!Duke | |
Mirage,Ohm,Vandy,Maggies:Spacious Sound/Bass Extremely spacious/wide sweet spot designs include models from Shahinian, Duevel, Wolcott, Sound Lab, Beveridge, MBL, Mirage, Ohm, and probably a few others. (Disclaimer - I sell Sound Lab wide-pattern electrostats.) The Maggies do give a very spa... | |
New Audiogon Categories? I'd kinda like to see a "Speaker Parts" category, as DIY speaker builders often have drivers, cabinets, horns, or crossover parts they'd like to sell (or buy). I've sold some stuf on E-bay that I'd have rather offered to Audiogoners. | |
Avantgarde UNO's 2.2 advice needed Hello Satyam,You might consider the Classic Audio Reproductions T-5. Fairly high efficiency, high impedance (16 ohms nominal as I recall), and very high quality components in an attractive wooden enclosure. Stunningly lively and dynamic. I can't s... | |
Great bass amp SS for 15" 8 ohm woof 800hz max Hello Hicourt,Apart from subwoofer applications, it really is important to match up the amplifiers as close as possible in a bi-amplified system. I have several customers who have tried solid state on bass, tubes on mids & highs in their syste... | |
Seeking $15,000.00 speaker to replace Quad 988's Hi Jonathan,I have about three to four dozen Sound Lab customers, and most have never had any problems. I have a friend in Las Vegas whose 17 year old Sound Labs still work fine and have never had anything done to them. There have been times in th... |