Best amps for full range electrostatic loudspeaker

By brand and model which are the best amps for electrostats? Thanks!
I prefer low feedback,high current amps. The brands that come redily to mind(without spending an arm and a leg) are AVA, Monarchy Audio,and the amp/preamp section of the Magnum Dynalab MD-208,but that is just me;your tastes may differ.
Allow me another personal opinion. The acoustics of the room and speaker placement are important with panels.
I use Mcintosh with my Martin Logans. Innersound also specializes in this area.
I own and sell Sound Labs, and also sell several amplifiers that work well with 'em - including Atma-Sphere, Wolcott, Parasound JC-1, InnerSound, GamuT, and Clayton Audio. Among the amplifiers that customers of mine have had good results with include models by Audio Research, Levinson, McIntosh, Accuphase, Viva, VTL, and CAT. These are by no means the only contenders.

In a push-pull tube amp, look for a wide bandwidth output transformer. In a solid state amp, look for a lot of wattage and current delivery capability as a starting point, but that's unfortunately no guarantee of a good match.

Note that the amps mentiond here also work well with other brands of electrostats, for the most part. I'm not sure that there is an absolute "best" amplifier for electrostats - as in most things audio, there are tradeoffs involved. I'd need to talk with a person to find out their priorities before making a specific recommendation.

I have Martin Logan Prodigy speakers. I am currently running Wolcott Presence 220 Mono blocks with great results on them,including very solid bass Tube amps I have tried with them include Manley Neo 250, Audio Research VT100 and 200 and the Rouge M120 magnums didn't really care for them. Solid sate amps include Pass labs X250 and X350, Bat VK 200 and VK 500 a couple of McIntosh amp's and a few others.
I think the Wolcott's are the best I have tried yet.
You might also look into the VTL MB450.
What is your budget and what are your speakers?
Graaf has (if you can find and afford them) 200 watt OTL monoblocks. I can't imagine a better amp for your needs.
They also make less expensive ones.

By the way, I have the US distributer's email address for them if you should want to contact him.

As side notes:
I do not have electrostatics nor the Graaf's, but have heard them with various speakers.
The Graaf's are drop dead gorgeous!!
