
Responses from audiokinesis

What Do You Think . . . and How Does It Work?
" How dare you expect a person with a disability to simply change? Disability is not a choice. " Behavior IS a choice. That’s why people are held accountable for it, unless they are insane. " The onus is on you to accommodate [narcissists] ." Your... 
What Do You Think . . . and How Does It Work?
" Can we now go back to discussing the topic of speakers? Promise, no more insults? " Are you actually offering to change YOUR behavior, or only asking me to change mine? Please answer this question because it is important. However in this case a ... 
What Do You Think . . . and How Does It Work?
If anyone other than Kenjit is actually curious about the questions he raises, any of them, let me know and I will be more than happy to reply. I do not take offense at the questions themselves; I have simply stopped jumping through Kenjit’s hoops... 
What Do You Think . . . and How Does It Work?
Avsjerry did not say that "we are all narcissists according to that list". But it sounds to me like you defacto acknowledge that you are: Instead of coming up with a single item which did not apply to you, you attacked the medical community. And o... 
Ported versus sealed speakers: is one type better?
@erik_squires put it very well and very succinctly: "The thing that makes a bigger difference is matching the room." Lacking Erik’s gift of succinctability, here’s my take, from the perspective of a designer: In my opinion where the speaker is lik... 
What Do You Think . . . and How Does It Work?
Kenjit: " hi glupson, Interesting how you ignored my questions. " I presume this is what you mean? " Dukes technique has been to try to discredit everything i say by accusing me of narcissism all the while ignoring the topic being discussed. Whats... 
What Do You Think . . . and How Does It Work?
Above, Kenjit is trying to bait me into defending my speaker. To anyone wondering why I don’t take up the challenge, let me point out that what Kenjit is doing is a classic behavior of a narcissist: Baiting people into defending themselves in an u... 
If Audiophiles care about sound, then why so few threads on acoustics
" Since time and effort is a commodity that many don’t have enough of, as several have pointed out, there is a need for some expert advice. The problem becomes that most expert advice is tied to sales of a particular solution. And there isn’t r... 
What Do You Think . . . and How Does It Work?
" This is a speaker forum and i signed up to discuss speakers not peoples behavior or character. " You have attacked the character of everyone on this forum in one way or another. You have said or insinuated that all audiophiles except for you are... 
What Do You Think . . . and How Does It Work?
" I suggest you stick to the topic of discussion rather than try to discredit me using an ad hominem accusation of narcissism." When you expressed contempt towards Siegfried Linkwitz, your behavior became "the topic of discussion."    And once aga... 
What Do You Think . . . and How Does It Work?
" But the claim was that Linkwitz was a brilliant speaker designer. You would think his speakers would be well known and sought after. That just isnt the case. What makes him so brilliant if few audiophiles care about his speakers? " The standard ... 
What Do You Think . . . and How Does It Work?
Kenjit wrote: "[Siegfried Linkwitz] obviously had a few designs that were available as DIY projects but i dont know of any that stereophile reviewed." Liinkwitz had several commercial designs which were manufactured by a company called Audio Artis... 
How do you share the sweet spot?
This will be somewhat counter-intuitive, but with some horn speakers the sweet spot width can quite wide. First a bit of background: The ear localizes sound by two mechanisms: Arrival time and intensity. With most system setups, as you move off to... 
If Audiophiles care about sound, then why so few threads on acoustics
"... why so few threads on acoustics?" Room acoustics can be a fairly complex subject... and imo if we’re talking about home audio, the speaker’s radiation characteristics and setup also come into play - in other words, it’s not just about the roo... 
What Do You Think . . . and How Does It Work?
" NOBODY has done any comparisons to check if a $2 PVC pipe beats a $50k high end Wilson." Nobody is claiming that either. But somebody is committing a straw man argument fallacy.Duke