Responses from audiokinesis
Reading Suggestions Please ? What is your Go-To Source? "Please list ONE publication, blog or person you find to be your favorite source of learning." Earl Geddes. Earl is way out on the tail end of the bell curve, and fortunately for us audio is his area of interest and expertise. His website is gedle... | |
Listening Room Dimensions... I'm building one and need your help Early on in a project like this is when the most far-reaching decisions are made, and it is when your knowledge and experience are the least. So this is arguably when you will benefit the most from the services of a professional. I am a reasonably... | |
Why not underhung voice coil? "...supposed to be more linear (lower distortions), especially for big excursions."I do not agree that underhung motors are more linear for large excursions as a blanket statement; imo the situation is more complicated than that. Yes they are some... | |
Speakers that sound great in terrible rooms Erik wrote: "One secret, which an ASC guy told me once, but I agree with, is listen to the music in the hallway. You can go up and down the hall and quickly pick out the well tuned rooms without ever having to walk in." From outside the open doorw... | |
Speakers that sound great in terrible rooms Dborden702 wrote: "I used to attend many audio shows. The first thing I would look at when walking into a room was how many acoustic room treatments and system tweak toys were in play. The speakers and systems that impressed me were the ones that ... | |
sealed 3-ways Willmac wrote: "Room gain can work v well with sealed designs, giving a more natural bass response." More natural in-room bass response is generally, but not exclusively, an advantage of sealed boxes. According to Martin Collums and Dan Wiggi... | |
Speakers that sound great in terrible rooms @nonoise wrote: " That bit of trivia just made my day. " [Way off topic] As it was related to me: Some of Gene LeBell’s judo students were doing stunt work for a Steven Seagal movie. Gene was there and objected to one particular stunt on the groun... | |
Speakers that sound great in terrible rooms Heaudio123 wrote: " I would argue that unless the speaker has poor/uneven off-axis response, then it is the room..." Totally agree!! Heaudio123: "...and I don’t agree with your argument about Omnidirectionals amplifying room irregularity, as they ... | |
Speakers that sound great in terrible rooms @br3098 wrote: "omnidirectional speakers better mimic the music we prefer in the venues we typically listen live." I get it! Good omnis have very rich timbre and convey a wonderful sense of spaciousness, especially when they have a bit of breathin... | |
Speakers that sound great in terrible rooms @mapman wrote: "Note that Ohm Walsh are not full but rather pseudo omni (polydirectional?) to manage the reverberative field better in most rooms. The driver is physically attenuated with absorbing material inside the can in the wall facing direct... | |
Speakers that sound great in terrible rooms @erik_squires wrote: "Duke, Having a pro in the thread is like cheating. :)" "If you’re not cheating, you’re not trying hard enough." - Gene LeBell (off topic, but he’s the old guy who choked out Steven Seagal. Twice. In the same day.) Erik: "Can ... | |
Are big subwoofers viable for 2 channel music? To smodtactical, Imo the sheer size of your large listening space bodes well for bass reproduction. Arguably what the Swarm does in a smaller room is, approximate the in-room response that we’d get with fewer subs in a much larger room. I do think... | |
Are big subwoofers viable for 2 channel music? Tyray wrote: "Duke, I have been to the Swarm website this weekend but did not see the Azel's? Could you give me a link to the Azel's and any other of your products I may have missed please. Thanks!" My website is being revised, but Jim Romeyn'... | |
Speakers that sound great in terrible rooms Omni speakers have been mentioned several times, and there is definitely something they do right which contributes to dealing with terrible rooms: Their off-axis response has the same spectral balance as their on-axis response. Thus their reverber... | |
Are big subwoofers viable for 2 channel music? Tyray asked: "Can a customer use their own passive subwoofers of choice?" You can totally use your subs of choice, active or passive. Here is the amplifier that I use to drive my passive subs, note that it has a single band of EQ and a switchable ... |