
Responses from audiokinesis

Sound pressure level and Room size for ESLs
Which electrostat? Some approximate a point source, some approximate a line source, and some do it better than others (size matters).  If the listening distance is the same then the SPL of the first-arrival sound will be the same, but as the room ... 
Owner of "Anticables" and dealer for Spatial Audio is an amazing guy
Yup, Paul is one of the good guys.  He is brilliant and sincere.  He even tries to help his competitors (based on my experience with him).   So does Clayton for that matter.  They make an outstanding team.  Duke 
Audio Kinesis Swarm Subwoofer Awarded 2019 Golden Ear Award by Robert E. Greene
" If I understand correctly, one of the ceiling subs can be in a corner with polarity reversed. "  I normally suggest one sub in a corner (but no more than one), and that a different sub be the one with its polarity reversed... but, once your chec... 
Which speakers have rear firing speakers and how do they sound?
Cdc2 wrote: " in search of the most live sounding speaker - suggestions? " Cdc2 breaks it down for us: "Which speakers actually get it right accomplishing both goals of "A. providing accurate sound replicating the studio recording with decent imag... 
Which speakers have rear firing speakers and how do they sound?
@tomic601 wrote: " Duke...nicely thought out BUT in the case of an acoustic event recording in the space a nicely placed microphone captures first arrival and subsequent arrivals, that information IS encoded in the wave form over long periods of t... 
Bright High End Speakers = Bad Room?
Teo_audio wrote: " I find that the most natural and comfortable to listen to speakers are the ones that employ some subtle version of "The BBC Dip"." Agreed - a bit of dippage centered somewhere between 3 and 4 kHz does seem to correlate with long... 
Bright High End Speakers = Bad Room?
Kenjit quoted me: "But there was one group who consistently preferred a flat response: Recording engineers. To them, speakers are a tool, and in general the more revealing the better. "And then he asked: "Do you have a link to the study that menti... 
Bright High End Speakers = Bad Room?
" Do you have a link to the study that mentions this? Thanks " He describes it in his book, don’t remember whether or not he included a reference. I’ll try to remember look for it this evening. " what was the explanation? " I don’t recall offhand ... 
Bright High End Speakers = Bad Room?
Kenjit wrote: "a ruler flat response... is too bright for most folk."  Floyd Toole, Bruel & Kjaer, and I all agree with Kenjit on that point. Atdavid wrote: "I do not think overall that most people consider a ruler flat response too bright." T... 
Which speakers have rear firing speakers and how do they sound?
Tomic601 wrote: " ... the rear firing tweeter is 100% distortion, but in some cases pleasing." I can certainly understand how the energy going off in other directions from any polydirectional speaker can be interpreted to be "100% distortion". It’... 
Which speakers have rear firing speakers and how do they sound?
I have zero experience with that particular speaker but do have some experience with bipolars (I wrote the article kenjit linked to).  Assuming good execution, I think you can expect rich timbre and a bit more spaciousness than normal.  The sound ... 
Audio Kinesis Swarm Subwoofer Awarded 2019 Golden Ear Award by Robert E. Greene
Hans asked:  "What are some ways you can suggest to position (suspend/hang?) the subs near the ceiling?"  Thus far, to the best of my knowledge, all of the Swarm units that have ended up near the ceiling have been placed on the top of bookshelves ... 
Audio Kinesis Swarm Subwoofer Awarded 2019 Golden Ear Award by Robert E. Greene
Avanti1960 wrote: "I have successfully integrated one and two subwoofer solutions into my system when the main speakers had a natural roll off (acoustic crossover) that made for a near ideal low pass frequency relative to the subwoofers. However ... 
Audio Kinesis Swarm Subwoofer Awarded 2019 Golden Ear Award by Robert E. Greene
Rooze wrote:  " I can’t get beyond the notion that some subs just don’t sound very good, and multiplying an average sounding sub by four surely doesn’t equate to good quality bass.... how can it?"  I think the suitability of the subs for this appl... 
Audio Kinesis Swarm Subwoofer Awarded 2019 Golden Ear Award by Robert E. Greene
" If I didn’t already have 8 subs... " Your eight subs intelligently distributed are probably twice as smooth as my four. In general, the in-room smoothness goes up, and the spatial variance (variation in frequency response from one location to an...