Responses from audiokinesis
Klipsch, introduces The Cornwall IV, and I think it will be a killer ! I definitely like the geometry of their new midhorn better than the old one. Nice move Klipsch!Duke | |
Speaker Analysis for Armchair Critics Kenjit wrote: "which is why you need to stop tinkering with these horrible passive crossovers." The fallacy here is that your statement assumes facts which are not in evidence. You have not established that passive crossovers are horrible, nor tha... | |
Cconfused... Ishkabilil wrote: " Are not accuracy and realism much the same? " You would think so, but here is an example of what can happen: "Accuracy" is often evaluated by some relatively convenient metric, such as total harmonic distortion, which may or ma... | |
Speaker Analysis for Armchair Critics Xyobgyn wrote: "Quite possibly we should have crossovers with some caps and or resistors we could swap easily to adjust the sound to where we want it." I have been making crossovers with an external resistor that functions as a "tilt/level" contro... | |
Open Baffle vs Box Kenjit: " An open baffle would cause the back wave to distort the front wave." The backwave would cancel the front wave at frequencies where the wavelengths are long relative to the baffle dimensions. This cancellation results in a rolloff of 6 dB... | |
What are the current "speaker trends" in your opinions? Kenjit wrote: "The dutch and dutch is a horrible example of a good speaker." Let’s see what his basis is for this claim. "Good sound should be affordable to everyone." The topic is trends in loudspeaker design, not trends in social justice. "In te... | |
What are the current "speaker trends" in your opinions? Imo some of the best current trends are embodied in the Dutch & Dutch 8c. They start out with excellent acoustic design and a lot of thermal and mechanical capability in a relatively compact package. Then they use powerful DSP to shape the res... | |
A brief review of 15 high-end speakers on home demo including B&W, Boenicke, Magico,Wilson Duckworp wrote: " I suspect that the rear firing tweeter contributes to the amazing space and depth that seems a common characteristic of Boenicke speakers. " That makes sense to me. In general rear-firing tweeters make speakers less identifiable ... | |
A brief review of 15 high-end speakers on home demo including B&W, Boenicke, Magico,Wilson Duckworp, were there any speakers in your audition aside from the Boenickes that have a rear-firing tweeter? Duke | |
Speakers for High-End Digital Piano Thank you for the additional information, jocar37. My experience with speakers for electric piano lies more in the realm of cabs that one might gig with. Your idea of Genelec for home use seems very solid to me. Duke | |
Speaker Analysis for Armchair Critics "... for consumers, this is a decent introduction, not a comprehensive guide." It is a FAR MORE THAN DECENT introduction! The process I use is pretty much what the author did. Once the first iteration is built, even if the measurements look good, ... | |
Speaker Analysis for Armchair Critics Erik wrote: " I share this with all of you just as an example of the work that goes into making a loudspeaker from parts, and the tools, and how much of what we hear has to do with choices made in the crossover. " Your post and that article are a ... | |
Setting up a swarm - amp question I have no direct experience with REL subs, but would expect them to have negligible effect on the load that the amplifier sees when connected as you describe.So I think you can hook up as many as you can afford and/or shoehorn into your room befor... | |
Speaker Imaging - Do you hear a line, or do you hear an arc?? Harrylavo made some excellent recommendations, if I may paraphrase: - We want to minimize the early sidewall reflections, ideally with distance. - We want to minimize the early reflections off the wall behind the speakers, again ideally with dista... | |
Best speakers 5k 10 k " Soundstage and imaging most important. " Can you describe the room? Do you have free reign for speaker positioning? I presume the sweet spot is the focus... does soundstaging outside the sweet spot matter? Duke |