Responses from audiokinesis
Speakers with fullness and weight? Amps + speakers + room form a "system within a system", of sorts. Boundary reinforcement can warm up otherwise thin-sounding speakers. Likewise a (low damping factor) tube amp can warm up otherwise thin-sounding speakers. Most speakers exhibit a p... | |
Does this speaker exist? Musicfile wrote: "Duke you have some great speakers as well"Thank you very much, but I don't have anything that meets the "small footprint" requirement. I tend to use prosound drivers which inherently do some things well, but delivering good bass ... | |
Does this speaker exist? I second the recommendation of Tonian Labs. Tony Minasian does excellent work. | |
Help problem with Soundlab Dynastats Sounds to me like either the panels aren't getting charged up, or the signal from the amp is not reaching them, or both. My first guess would be that one or more of the wires going from the panels into the electronics is not pushed into its socket... | |
Horning Eufrodites - help needed with boomy bass "I will probably call for some expert opinion on the room acoustics in the coming days."May I recommend Jeff Hedback of Hedback Designed Acoustics. Jeff's day job mostly consists of designing recording studios, and his studios have been honored in... | |
Room acoustics in a former church sanctuary? For sound reproduction in a large, richly reverberant space, you want speakers whose off-axis response is very good, because it is the off-axis resposne that will dominate the perceived tonal balance. There be more than one way to skin that cat, b... | |
Horning Eufrodites - help needed with boomy bass Sorry the boards-in-the-port didn't help.Equalization or a solid state amp are probably your least room-intrusive possibilities at this point. And nothing wrong with room treatment. Unfortunately I don't have any more inexpensive suggestions.It is... | |
Horning Eufrodites - help needed with boomy bass "I'm also not 100% sure I understand the way the wood boards have to be inserted into the bass port. Can you clarify? Does it matter which wood to use and what the thickness of the board should be?"Suppose the port is 150 mm tall by 200 mm wide by... | |
Horning Eufrodites - help needed with boomy bass "It would be very interesting to compare the "absorbing" product to the "mechanical grounding" method to hear which is more effective in minimizing/eliminating the bass boom."It's not necessarily either/or; neither excludes the other. Also, IF low... | |
Horning Eufrodites - help needed with boomy bass This is a long shot, so consider it just the ravings of an insomniac:It is possible that the enclosure is a transmission line/tuned port hybrid of sorts, and if so, you might be able to tighten up the bottom end a bit by lowering the tuning freque... | |
Horning Eufrodites - help needed with boomy bass Using absorbent material in the ports isn't the ideal, but if the Eufrodites' way of working isn't working for you and your room, then imo it's reasonable to try to find a solution that is a worthwhile net improvement. I design speakers too, and m... | |
Use of subwoofer with bookshelf speakers I think Vandersteen's approach calls for a gentle-slope crossover between mains and sub(s) - maybe even first order, I'm not sure. Nothing wrong with that, you just gotta have the right speakers for it. Well okay one possible drawback is that you ... | |
What is a minimum room size for 1.7 Maggies? Your room size may not be optimum, but there's no reason you can't use Maggies in it. If you have to place the Maggies close to the wall behind them (like less than 3 or 4 feet out), I suggest either diffusing or (only as a last resort) absorbing ... | |
How much do you have to spend, to get a good Sub? If the sub is for music only, then obviously quality is an important consideration. The biggest hurdle to quality bass in most rooms is the room itself. It imposes a peak-and-dip pattern on the sub's output that you cannot avoid. You can move the ... | |
My JL Audio sub is dead. What exactly happened? Byroncunningham's adventure here illustrates one advantage of using a separate subwoofer amp that goes on a shelf like your other components: no scary surgery or huge shipping cost required if the amp has a problem. Duke |