Responses from audiokinesis
Revel Gem 2 only goes down to 75Hz ? The Revel Gem 2 is a sealed box, which means that its rolloff south of 75 Hz is going to be approximately 12 dB per octave. If you weren't using subs, you could partially offset that gentle rolloff with aggressive use of boundary reinforcement.As ... | |
Horning Eufrodites - help needed with boomy bass "What material would be best to use for an appropriate stuffing?"I'm not sure. With the towel, what you did was add flow resistance to the port; you made it significantly harder for the low frequency energy to get out of the port. If the towel was... | |
Horning Eufrodites - help needed with boomy bass It sounds to me like the speakers are getting a lot more boundary reinforcement in your room than what the designer anticipated, and reducing the amount of bass they put out may be a lot easier than changing your room's acoustics. I have zero expe... | |
Small Speakers For A Large Room... One of the things to consider in a large room is, unless you listen nearfield, most of the sound that reaches your ears will be reverberant sound. So the speaker's off-axis performance will play a larger role in the perceived tonal balance than yo... | |
Help with a system for a guy into electronic music "...just wish I understood all the math & logic behind this stuff."Sorry for laying down a math smokescreen!Let's walk through an example: The Coincident Super Triumph speaker (and for those who know their way around specs and marketing depart... | |
Help with a system for a guy into electronic music "...what speakers would you recommend I check out that are 90dB efficient or more? I'm going to say no to Active speakers just because no one seems to have any to demo."I take it that your quest doesn't include speakers that you can't demo, and th... | |
What's with 4 ohm speakers? "Quantity becomes quality when it avoids clipping."Excellent point, Drew. That's why I go with 4-ohm cabs for prosound, where systems get pushed hard, and solid state (voltage paradigm) amps dominate. And even in the bass cab world where some play... | |
Help with a system for a guy into electronic music Imo the bass extension of the Dynaudio Focus 160 is totally unnecessary if you're using a pair of ubersubs, and you're trading off valuable efficiency to get that unnecessary bass extension. The Focus 160 is rated at 86 dB "sensitivity", and that ... | |
What's with 4 ohm speakers? Drew Eckert wrote:"Some audiophile amplifiers have silly high output impedances which interact with the speaker's varying impedance to change the frequency response and this is exacerbated with low load impedances. Output Transformer Less Tube amp... | |
Speakers that can be placed close to the back wall Typical boundary reinforcement from placement close to the wall would be roughly +3 dB per octave. So I like to aim for roughly -3 dB per octave rolloff across the lower part of the bass region when the speakers are going close to the wall. I call... | |
one 12in sub or 2 8 inch subs The biggest obstacle to natural-sounding bass is the room. Seriously. The room imposes an inevitable, and drastic, peak-and-dip pattern on a subwoofer's output. The peaks and dips are too far apart for the ear's natural averaging-out characteristi... | |
Long throw 5 1/4 woofer?? 3/8" (roughly 9.5 mm) is indeed impressive x-max for a 5 1/2" midwoofer. It is harder to build that much excursion into a small-diameter suspension system than into a large-diameter one. In general there's a tradeoff relationship between long excu... | |
Floorstanders 3K "Liveliness" comes largely from preserving the dynamic contrast native to the recording. Musicians use dynamic contrast to convey emotion, and if your speakers are softening the peaks by several dB, then the music loses much of its life. "Pseudo-l... | |
Replacement for Maggie's? If you go with subs, you need at least two and preferably more to approach the in-room bass smoothness of the Maggies. Let me explain:James M. Kates authored a study published in the Journal of the Audio Engineering Society that documented the sup... | |
Replacement for Maggie's? Much of the "feel" of the Maggies is due to their dipolar radiation pattern. With proper placement, the reflection of the full-spectrum backwave off the wall behind the speakers arrives late enough to be highly beneficial in terms of timbre and ri... |