

Responses from audioman58

Magico A3 price increases 50%+
Mundorf are far from the best capacitors they use double the plastic in their dielectric then Anyone which is unnatural have over 15 years experience with them, they are good but tipped up in frequency ,the VAh audio Odam capacitors are noticeably... 
Full range speaker for rogue 90 or 100 wpc amp.
The Sonus Faber Lumina for around $2k are a great buy and look excellent for the money. 
What is wrong with my system?
Old B& W are bright , I have helped others start by upgrading the capacitors , there are several good ones Thst come to mind ,depending on budget a minimum of $1k in parts also a vacuum tube preamplifier, for a budget the$899 From Schiit audio... 
Full range speaker for rogue 90 or 100 wpc amp.
There is Not one speaker even close to full range even at 5 x that price full range 20hz -20 khz ,  Svs is a competent speaker that will reach maybe close to 35 hz honest Bass .in the $2k range,many specifications are totally skewed , continuous m... 
Class A Power in A/B amplifiers?
My Coda CSIB integrated gives you 3 power choices,I choose the lowest power.my integrated 1st watts in pure class A says 18 watts ,it’s closer to 20 ,then 150,300, 600 wpc , and incredible 120 amps short term available for control ,and Huge potted... 
How are most audiophiles going from streamers to DACS
I find Ethernet is very good , and having a excellent daclike The Bricasti -M3 dac with Streamer module option works great ,and even has a excellent Analog preamp section from their M21if you want to run direct to amplifier ,it’s better then most ... 
The Absolute Sound...Luxman D10X review.
I personally don’t think Mqa is anything special , vs a very good recorded Flac file DSD files yes they are very good too bad  they are not taking the time to start ramping up production. Multibit dacs are every bit as good if not better then any ... 
New Preamplifier Testing (Poor sound)
The rotes is not good at all , for your money send it back buy the $899 Schiit vacuum tube preamp with excellent resistive volume attenuator , not cheap $15 Alps volume pot thst many use and Rob detail , the Schiit preamp is very dependable and tu... 
OK, so I have to ask. Is this real, or is this a joke?
I have used Stabilant 22 for a number of years ,then went in 3 ways on a larger bottle ,the 1260 = the 2520 is excellent  I gave it a thin coat waited 2 weeks and reapplied ,Excellent results ,if you don’t touch good for years ,do all including al... 
replace Mcintosh with Luxman
I have a better product for less if you don’t mind having to see the meters , the Excellent Coda CSIB integrated amplifier stereo timesgreat review ,best of 2020for $6500. The best integrated under$10 k and better then any separates made in USA  1... 
Holo Audio Spring 3 DAC
Kw6. ,sorry   About that.  I have to spell it out , Audio Gd R8 mk2, is a very good dac in the$2k group  not reference by any means , FPGA types can be are ok but not a big fan in this case,and their off the shelf drivers can be  affected by windo... 
Spatial Audio Labs
This is why I mentioned their ultimate upgrade which I heard before and after.stock it has a decent inductor , and clarity Csa capacitors which are better then average . These is only 2 capacitors and 1 inductor the VH audio Odam capacitors are th... 
Holo Audio Spring 3 DAC
The new Holo springs 3- the new model has a lot of May trickle down technologies and a clear step up from the pontus mk2 That being  said it is $1200 more it-is $3k plus shipping.and to jackd  I still stand by saying the AudioGD R8 mk2 is a very g... 
Advice on a streamer
Spending abit more ,much better throughout technologies the Melco N100 is made in Japan not China  has a minimum 2T hard drive superb filtering ,just read severalExcellent  reviews and has a-nice screen, give Perrotta consultants a call maybe with... 
Holo Audio Spring 3 DAC
Kw6 -  last month I said the audio gd was a very good value and is, in the$2k  price class ,even its best model the R7 HE  model is very good But, has older technologies IMO  that excluded me from  considering it. I Never said it was a Reference c...