Responses from audioman58
NEVER BUY CHEAP CASSETTES - - YOU GET WHAT YOU PAY FOR Cassettes ? Going back in time ,time to buy $40 ripping program that does everything DB Power amp. | |
Power conditioning for multiple dedicated circuits If using a dedicated line I found out 2 things from a Audiophile electrician silver 20 amp contacts can be ordered as well as 40 industrial , and use 4 wire awg 10 that is what I have 2 grounds,one common ,the other a insulated isolated | |
Quantum Science Audio Thread Fuses suck period I am glad my Bricasti dac-Streamer don’t use them ,one less bottle neck | |
The best tube poweramp. . What do you think about ? Old amps like Futtermsn judt asking for trouble their problems were many yes they sounded good but tons of unit failures. Look for a modern amp like Ayon for example transformers are the heart of the unit , Ayon use world class Lundahl for transf... | |
To Stream or not to Stream The blue sound 2I has a better dac then the old one the old one has a usb out this new one should have had also the stupid idiots released it when 2 days work or just copy the old one ,I wrote to them a future firmware upgrade very soon ? Whatever... | |
Review on Bricasti Design M3 DAC All the latest M3 have Roon available via your music server or computer through a Melco N10 ,or iinnous zenith , the sound is noticeably better. | |
THE IRS HAS TAKEN MY TRANSACTIONS VIA PAYPAL AND IDENTIFIED THEM AS TAXABLE INCOME I switched to stripe , PayPal is so bad in many levels .I was selling a $5k preamp the buyer payed for UPS to pack and ship 2 day to WI. After it shipped he changed his mind, refused ups attempts 3x , PayPal said he was wrong but still gave back a... | |
THE IRS HAS TAKEN MY TRANSACTIONS VIA PAYPAL AND IDENTIFIED THEM AS TAXABLE INCOME PayPal sucks thsts why I don5 use them anymoreif you bought items if used ,taxes were already paid when new Was the product s new or used ? If used State that used products are bough5 at less then 50% retail on average | |
Roon for high end audio? Grannyring can you still use Roon as a catalog interface and still use QObuz and bypass Roons software for music with your innous ?I don’t allow Roon to Take over No executive mode .My Bricasti dac uses its own protocalls if nothing on Roon is s... | |
Roon for high end audio? Not true at all,Roon is by far the best most music organizer out there.Qobuz, and Tidal are huge streaming libraries to complement Roon.the key is having the quality to complement hiend streaming to seriously compete with discs ,or Flac | |
What DAC upgrade made you say “DAMN, that sounds SO MUCH better than my last DAC”? Without a doubt the Bricasti M3 dac with streamer board option is a incredible price ,performance leader . I had a Denafrips Venus and was going to go with a Terminator ,or a Holo springs Kte but Anthony at Perrotta Consultants ,on theEast coast I... | |
DAC Choices - $5,000 to $7,000 I own the Bricasti M3 with streamer card and the the latest MDX board it is very well balanced and in no way thin sounding ,exceptional musical ,with precision and prat.hearing all instruments in space with depth and realism even more so witha tr... | |
Long hiatus from audio, getting back into it, speaker/room help please A great speaker Thst would check all your boxes is the Spatial Audio x5 open baffle speakers for $7k powered Bass below 90hz -23 hz the great world class Beyma AMT tweeter- midrange and -0 -Xover parts in the critical midrange region most do fai... | |
CD Quality Versus Streaming Quality If you have a high quality dac ,and very good streamer a key to help ensure noise is at its minimum is a great network switch without spending too much $$ such as Uptone Audio ether Regen which is very apparent eliminating noise and the Excellent ... | |
Subwoofers with room correction built in? True room correction is not totally true even in a preamplifiers it Averages , Svs has several ANalog Devises 52 bit processors a great app , and you can fir free down load a subwoofer room correction program ,just buy a USB Mike , call Svs they ... |