Responses from audioman58
Magico A3 price increases 50%+ Unless you have spent years and 1,000s of hours listening And comparing parts quality then you speak out of blind ignorance Period ,I will waste no more time On guys that barely can figure out how to hook up a cable .decisions are based mainly on ... | |
Magico A3 price increases 50%+ Henry201 your garage builder -no comment , my point is having owned a Audio store and being involved personally with many mods it is just my opinion and knowledge base over 20 years that the-speaker can be much better with a Xover upgrade ,not... | |
Audio deals you bought that seem impossible for the price? Buying searching out the gems quality ,brand,build quality then totally upgrading myself 20 years modding xovers ,the weakest link in well over 80% of loudspeaker so important being the central nervous system of a Loudspeaker the mfg feels ok is ... | |
Magico A3 price increases 50%+ Henry 20 years of extensive Xover parts comparison is more extensive then most companies have been in business. The Xover is the ♥️ of all loudspeakers and the most most understood and overlooked .for-they are hidden ,and MFG are always trying t... | |
So where should the tubes be? Isolid state has evolved a lot ,fet, mosfets have several characteristics like tubes no more bright sounding ,thst being said a tube preamp is my favorite spot , too much tubes a bit too soft on leading edge . I prefer SS the dynamics control and ... | |
How long does Class A have? Class A is still very popular Pass labs 1st watt is very popular as well as their integrated 60 very good products if you have efficient speakers ,still a very solid choice. | |
High Quality dac with network streamer saves $1,000s Oglala ,If you buy the Ethernet module as I did it is sizable upgrade in sound quality as well as electrical isolation ,and none of the noise that is likely when just running direct from any brand of computer where you are unpacking the music in t... | |
High Quality dac with network streamer saves $1,000s Regarding attenuators this is not a standard crap digital attenuators, this from taken from their flagship M-21. Whst most people don’t know is that Bricasti has been a standard in professional recording studios for well over a decade for its Soni... | |
Point to Point vs Circuit Board In truth as the military has been doing for years thick trace double sided 2 to 4 ok Copper boards with gold or Silver coatings . Are far more accurate then point to point,much better conductors ,far less solder which is BTW only 4-5% silver ,the ... | |
High Quality dac with network streamer saves $1,000s Lalitk you are spot on, your own computer in this application is not a liability for itis just delivering the stream signal ,or music files in tact ,no noise to deal with or conversion everything is filtered,converted and processed by complex ve... | |
Acoustic treatment for windows and a piano I prefer still points under my equipment a bit pricy but the smaller ultra can be had just over $400, also your first reflections very important, on line you can get 2x4 ft panels with acoustic egg crate foam inside with different color fabrics o... | |
Another great gone, this time its Charlie Watts Charlie RIP, a true rock &roll pioneer. | |
DAC Shootout Starts This Weekend Even after all this is completed , everyone still will have a favorite part of the audio spectrum they prefer, and the related audio system will favor or suit one dac possibly more then others . I have heard everything but the latest Weiss dac run... | |
TEKTON IMPACT MONITORS I drank the koolaid but got sick of Tekton quickly,especially vs speakers using quality name brand drivers. | |
Magico A3 price increases 50%+ With over 20 years upgrading Loudspeakers I can speak through experience .The Xover is the ❤️ of all speakers ,Everything goes through it good or bad .the parts in the A3,A5 are at best a C quality.go to Tony Gees Humble homemade Hifi capacitor ... |