

Responses from audioman58

DAC for CD transport
The Schiit Multibit is s excellent choice I upgraded from the original SCHIIT Gungnir , then payed thd $500 upgrade Fantastic, snd being Modular Which most are Notmeaning everything they find a major improvement you can send it in for the upgrade ... 
Coda Audio Video based in San Francisco is running a fraudulent operation
Yes Go to the FBI site they now have a fraud cyber crime division. File your claim, give it a few days and claim number if you  get one.Call FBI in state of scam.   Just do it if they move to Canada 10X hard to extradite.  Best of luck. 
Class "A" sound, as related to Stereophile.
Just buy a larger case for roughly $150 you can get a precision case with all cut out made in Italy . This is what I did with my Pass Labs F-6dual mono  design clone using only premium parts  and to smooth all those Lytic caps take the VH Oimp cap... 
Recommendations for used/vintage integrated for vinyl
Hello Myself owning a Audio store in the past always asked several very important questions before even thinking about a recommendation .such as type of music and Max SPL level , size of room, and efficiency of speakers and if subs are used to rel... 
Using tube amp with electrostatic speakers.
Having owned every kind of magnetic - Maggie type, ribbon ,ML, and Sound labs. The size also of the panel has a lot to do with demands.by far these panels are far better controlled with the High Current of a Solid StateAmplifier, where Vacuum tube... 
Seller asked for PayPal fees after the sale. Should I pay them or not?
If it was not listed for fees in the ad .then you are in no way obligated to pay this . If you don't want to pay ,then donot if he does not agree .he has to give you a full refund .for you fullfilled your end of the bargain. 
High Quality Universal Player??
To all the New oppo HD 231 coming out in early Dec, will be Oppo new flagship.the 105 is excellent .the 231 will do everything a bit better still.price wise Init set yet but count on at least $1600. I know of no player that can  compete evrn at do... 
Dueland CAST PIO
I have read some posts here and to say the Mundorf supreme beat thd VH audio Oimp caps is totally off yhd wall .I have been comparing caps in mods for at least 20 years . Munforf is a good cap . in my system or any that has the vh oimp capacitor a... 
Dueland CAST PIO
To be honest the midrange would be the most beneficial for your money  for almost 70%Of the music is there. the cast are very expensive , the smaller the value The better for your wallet. The  VH oil caps with  a smaller value VH CU bypass caps ar... 
Dueland CAST PIO
I was asked if I have used Mills resistors .Yes many times in the past . Please keep this in mind the higher the order crossover the more critical it is magnified. For example if you have a 5% resistor it can vary up to  Ten if you have other part... 
Dueland CAST PIO
I totally disagree.i have been modding Loudspeakers as well as electronics for 15 years. I just replaced the Mundorf  Supreme ,and silver oil with VCap OIMPcaps very nicely balanced but need a solid 100 hours to start opening up.up to 400 hours to... 
Using tube amp with electrostatic speakers.
Electrostatics love current .much more then Voltage as with a Tube amp.put a Pass Labs 250.5 , Big Krell, or  Coda  amplifier and you will get tighter bass ,better dynamics and controlas well as speed. Even Maggie love power,Soundlabs for sure. 
Is my amp the problem?
One thing one thing to mention ,the amplifier is nothing special to begin within for sure invest in a known product such as Wyred 4 sound  ,Pass labs 1st wattevrn Nad ,or tons of other proven companies.iwith your speakers  who built them and how t... 
Synergistic Red Fuse ...
In my system and I have tried them all . The Hifi tuning Supreme in the Black case brought out the best resolution. The SR are still very good more warm balance . The Hifi tuning Supreme slightly warm but give it up to 100 hours to fully settle in... 
Help, my system sounds lifeless!
Here is some good advise with a Money Back Guarantee.Open Baffle Spatial Audio model 3  if you want low bass around 30 hz,the model 4 smaller will go down high 30s. Check them out Clayton gives you I believe 45 or 60 days money back. They sound gr...